Add Elements Separately
One method for creating a context is to add a Process Area and Object separately, then assign them to a Wave.
Add a Wave
Add a Wave on the Waves page, the first page that opens when Console opens (also accessible by clicking Waves on the Navigation pane).
A Wave is a categorization for a migration project and is the first level of the hierarchy. A migration project must have at least one Wave, but can have multiple Waves. A Wave could be a country where a migration project is rolled out or a specific work location.
A Wave contains a data source which contains the target tables downloaded from an ERP system.
To add a Wave in Console:
- Click Add on the Waves page.
Enter a Wave name in NAME field.
NOTE: This name and the name of the Process Area are combined to create a context.
NOTE: A Wave name can be a maximum of 10 characters long.
NOTE: The ACTIVE check box is checked by default. If the check box is not checked for a Wave, the contexts that use this Wave will not display in the Context bar and cannot be used in dspMigrate™.
- Add a description of the Wave in the DESCRIPTION field.
- Click Save; the Vertical View displays.
Select an option from the Target System list box.
NOTE: A Wave can have multiple target systems. Refer to Add Multiple Target Systems at the Wave-Process Area Level for more information.
NOTE: To use Syniti’s Migration dashboard, set the Start Date and End Date. Refer to Configure the Migration Dashboard for more information.
- Click Save.
A Wave can also be added by copying an existing Wave. Refer to Copy Elements for more information.
NOTE: If a user is currently working in a context (as in, that context displays on the user’s Context bar), neither the Wave nor Process Area in the context can be deleted.
Continue with Add a Process Area.
Add a Process Area
A Process Area is used to group an ERP system’s objects. It is the second level of the hierarchy and is assigned to a Wave.
NOTE: The combination of a Wave and Process Area is a context and is used on the Context bar to drive the work in other components. Refer to Context, the Context Bar, and Navigation in dspMigrate™ for more information.
Examples of Process Areas for an ERP integration are Sales and Distribution (SD), Purchase to Pay (P2P) or Human Capital Management (HCM).
To add a Process Area to be used in a hierarchical structure:
- Select Elements > Process Area from the Navigation pane.
Click Add.
Enter a Process Area name in the Process Area field.
NOTE: A Process Area name can be a maximum of 15 characters long.
- Enter a description of the Process Area in the DESCRIPTION field.
- Click Save.
The Process Area displays in the Process Area ID list box on the Wave : Process Areas page, and can be assigned to a Wave to create a context.
A Process Area can also be added by copying an existing Process Area. Refer to Copy Elements for more information.
NOTE: If a user is currently working in a context (i.e., that context displays on the user’s Context bar), neither the Wave nor Process Area in the context can be deleted.
Continue with Add an Object.
Add an Object
An Object is a migration object, and is assigned to a Wave-Process Area combination. Examples of Objects include customers, basic materials, price lists or sales orders.
An Object can also have contacts and decisions and its history can be tracked.
To add a migration object:
- Select Elements > Object from the Navigation pane.
Click Add; the Vertical View displays.
- Enter an object name in the NAME field.
- Enter an object description in the DESCRIPTION field.
Enter a value in the PRIORITY field.
NOTE: The value is the order the object displays on the Objects page’s Horizontal View.
NOTE: When a Wave-Process Area uses the object, the object priority cascades down to Target Design. Once the target that belongs to the object is synced with Map, the priority is also available in Map and displays on the Objects page. The priority is also used in Transform, but can be updated in Transform on the Targets page to change the order the object is processed.
- Enter a COMMENT if necessary.
- Click Save.
The object displays in the OBJECTID list box on the Process Area: Object page, and can be assigned to a Process Area.
An object can also be added by copying an existing object. Refer to Copy Elements for more information.
Once an object is added in Console, it can be viewed in Map and Transform. If the object is deleted in Console, it no longer displays in Map and Transform. An object cannot be deleted if it is being used in Map or Transform in a data migration project.
Continue with Add Elements to a Wave.
Add Elements to a Wave
Once the Process Area and object have been added, they can be assigned to a Wave.
To add existing elements to a Wave:
- Click Waves on the Navigation pane.
- Click the Process Areas icon for a Wave.
Click Add.
View the field descriptions for the Wave: Process Areas page
Select a Process Area from the Process Area ID list box.
Click the + icon to open the Process Area page to manually create a new Process Area ID. Refer to Create the Context by Adding a Wave and Creating Elements for more information.
- Click Save.
- Click the Objects icon for the Process Area.
Click Add.
View the field descriptions for the Process Area: Object page
Select an object from the OBJECT ID list box.
Click the + icon to open the Objects page to manually create a new OBJECT ID. Refer to Create the Context by Adding a Wave and Creating Elements for more information.
Select a data source from the DATA SOURCE ID list box.
NOTE: The DATA SOURCE ID is the data source where target tables and Target Source tables are registered
- Click Save.