Repository Reports H
Use this page to Register Reports to a Report Repository.
To access this page:
- Select dspMonitor > Configuration > Report Repositories in Navigation pane.
- Click Reports for Repository.
Field |
Description |
Displays name of report as it appears in the report repository. Click link to view SQL code used to generate report. |
Displays the name of the opportunity view, which contains the full set of possible records that could potentially fail in the associated error report. NOTE: An opportunity view is only applicable to Error reports. The opportunity view is used in data quality score calculations. When calculating data quality scores on the Your Groups, Your Objects, and Your Applications summary and report pages, error reports without an opportunity view are not included in the data quality scoring calculations. The opportunity view must include all required key fields of the error report and any fields needed for user filters. |
Displays status of report for review purposes. |
Displays the categorization of report. Values are: Error, Information and Metric. |
View Data |
Click to view data within report. |
Objects |
Click to manage object reports. |
Groups |
Click to view groups to which the report belongs. |
Target Tables |
Click to open the Report Target Tables page to register target tables to reports. |
Repository Reports Reports V
Use this page to Register Reports to a Report Repository.
This page contains the following tabs:
General tab
Use this tab to Configure the Business Value Dashboard.
Field |
Description |
Report |
Displays name of report as it appears in the report repository. Click link to view SQL code used to generate report. |
Report Type |
Displays the categorization of report. Values are: Error, Information and Metric. |
Implication |
Displays description of what the report means to the business. |
Comment |
Displays comment or description of report. |
Opportunity View |
Displays the name of the opportunity view, which contains the full set of possible records that could potentially fail in the associated error report. The opportunity view must include all required key fields of the error report and any fields needed for user filters. |
Data Quality Rule |
Displays user-friendly name of report. |
Quality Dimension |
A Quality Dimension is a recognized term used by data management professionals to describe a feature of data that can be measured or assessed against defined standards to determine data quality. Refer to Register Quality Dimensions for more information. NOTE: dspMonitor™ is delivered with six industry standard quality dimensions: Accuracy, Completeness, Conformity, Integrity, Timeliness and Uniqueness. NOTE: All Error reports require a quality dimension. |
Scorecard Link |
This field is not used. |
Status |
Displays status of report for review purposes. |
Allow Manual Run |
If checked, report is permitted to be manually run. If unchecked, report can only be run on a schedule. |
Output File Type |
Displays type of file generated for reports. Values are File Excel and File Delimited. |
Output File Delimiter |
Displays delimiter that separates columns in the report when the report is outputted. |
Report Directory Path |
Displays path on the file system (NOT the root of a disk drive) where reports are stored. |
Report Order By |
Displays sort value of data to override the SQL Order By. |
Report Specification |
Click to upload a file about what information the report documents (i.e., the specifications for the report), which is attached to workflow emails. |
Data Quality Scoring Threshold |
Threshold ID |
Displays the threshold ID used for data quality scoring. NOTE: If no threshold is selected the threshold ID set on the Parameters page is used in the data quality status calculation. Refer to Register Data Quality Score Thresholds for more information. |
Business Value Parameters |
Application Currency |
Displays the currency set on the Parameters page, and used for the Cost per Failure calculation on the Business Value dashboard. |
Cost Per Failure |
Displays the cost per failure applied to each error record. NOTE: The Cost per Failure value only displays on the Error type reports (Business Readiness, Target Readiness, and Error). |
Metric Data Information tab
Use this tab to while Registering Reports to a Report Repository and to Track Error Records on Reports.
Field |
Description |
Report Metric Data Build |
If checked, data aging process for the report is activated. |
Report Metric Data Started On |
Displays date and time when data aging process started recording the data. |
Report Metric Data Completed On |
Displays date and time when data aging process finished recording the data. |
Metric Data Report |
Click to view the tracked data for the data aging process. |
Report Columns |
Click to add columns tracked for Metric Data Tracking. |
Process |
Click to execute the report. |
Results |
Click to view results of the metric data report. |
Delete History |
Click to delete the aged data for the report. |
Processing Information tab
Field |
Description |
Job ID |
Displays Platform job that runs the queued report. |
Process Started On |
Displays date and time when report started running. |
Process Completed On |
Displays date and time when report completed running. |
Metrics |
Click to view data about the report, e.g., the last time the report ran. |
Workflows |
Click to view workflow emails that were sent for the report. |
Documentation tab
External Reference |
Displays hyperlinks and supporting commentary that demonstrate the connection from data-related assets in the DSP to external references in other platforms and applications. Syniti recommends a Repository Report be linked to a Term, Rule or Data Set in Syniti Cloud. |