ISA Troubleshooting

This section contains the following topics:

Confirm the Data Services Connection URL if the Test Connection Fails

The URL for the Data Services server must be set correctly in Common or the connection will fail.

To confirm the URL in Common:

  1. Click Common >Configuration > Data Source Registry in the Navigation pane.
  2. Click Vertical View for the ISA repository.
  3. Confirm the URL in the Web Services URL field is correct and uses an IP address for the server where Data Services is installed.

NOTE: The path should contain the IP address of the server. For example, a valid path should look like If the path begins with C://Program Files(x86), it is not valid.

Troubleshoot Project not displaying on the Project Summary page

Watch the video: Refresh dgRepository_IS Target to Push Rules to IS

If a project does not display on the Project Summary page in the ISA, refresh the tables in the dgRepository_IS database in Collect.

To refresh the tables in Collect:

  1. Select Collect >Targets in the Navigation pane.
  2. Select the dgRepository_IS target.
  3. Click Refresh in the Page toolbar.

After the tables are successfully downloaded, the project displays on the Project Summary page in the ISA.

Sync All Projects to see recent updates

The Sync All Projects Service Page runs every 6 hours. To display more recent updates, click the Sync All icon on the Project Summary page.

To manually sync all the projects in ISA:

  1. Select Information Steward Accelerator > Project Summary in the Navigation pane.
  2. Click the Sync All icon.
  3. Click OK on the notification that displays.