Mass Maintenance

Template (Org Units) H

Template (Org Units) V

Use this page to Add Org Units to a Template.

To access this page:

  1. Click Mass Maintenance > Team on Navigation pane.
  2. Click Templates for a team.
  3. Click Org Units for a template.



Template Column Display

Click to open the Template (Columns) page to view a list of columns from the template recording (BDC Script, GUI Script, or Integrate template). This list is used as a reference when defining Org Units for a template.

The Template Column Display icon on the Page toolbar does not display until the template has been recorded.


Displays name of the high-level Org Unit, e.g., plant or division.


Displays name of the column in the recording that corresponds to the Org Unit ID. Value should match a field in the Org Unit table. If the template was created by a recording, the name should match the recording column name. Click the Template Column Display icon to view all the recorded column names.

Org Unit Display

Click to open the Template User (Org Units Assigned) page to view a list of all Org Units values assigned to each user for the template. This icon is available if Org Units have been defined for the template.

Template (Org Units) V

Template (Org Units) H



Template Column Display

Click to open the Template (Columns) page to view a list of columns from the template recording (BDC Script, GUI Script, or Integrate template). This list is used as a reference when defining Org Units for a template.

The Template Column Display button on the page toolbar does not display until the template has been recorded.

Org Unit ID

Displays name of the high-level Org Unit, e.g., plant or region.

List Data Source ID

Displays the data source that contains the view or table that contains the column that represents the Org Unit values.

List Source

Displays the view or table that provides Org Unit values.  

Value Field

Displays the column within the list source table or view that provides the actual Org Unit values, e.g., WERKS.

Description Field

Displays the Org Unit description, e.g., NAME1.


Displays a brief description of the Org Unit.