Record a BDC Script
>Review the steps in the process.
NOTE: Internet Explorer is required to record a BDC script.
Refer to BDC Script and GUI Script Recording Tips for tips on recording scripts.
NOTE: A user can also create a BDC Script template using Integrate’s import feature. Refer to Import a BDC Script From a File for more information.
NOTE: Integrate attempts to detect the data type for the fields for BDC Script templates when the templates are autogenerated. If no information is found about a field, the default data type of nvarchar (128) is used.
NOTE: Begin template creation on the Template page in Horizontal View. Refer to Create a Basic Template for more information.
To record a BDC script on the Vertical View of the Template page:
- Enter the SAP transaction code in Transaction Code field.
- Click Save.
Click Record button; a confirmation message displays.
NOTE: The recording overwrites all template data with data from the recording.
NOTE: SAP opens in learning mode using the defined transaction code, which uses the same recording mechanism as the SHDB transaction in SAP to track the fields modified by a user during the recording.
Record the transaction.
NOTE: Only fields the user touches in the recording are recorded in the template. There are three ways to mark a field as touched:
Add a space to the end and delete it.
Delete the value and re-type it.
Change the value completely.
Refer to BDC Script and GUI Script Recording Tips for more information.
To end a BDC recording, complete the transaction in SAP, which will automatically save and close the SAP session.
NOTE: To correct a mistake made during the recording, click the Record button for the template to start a new recording, which copies over the existing recording.
NOTE: Once a recording is complete, the Template page's Horizontal View displays. Do not click the browser's Back button from this page. This will restart the recording and delete previously recorded data for the template.
NOTE: Once recording is complete, navigate to the template in Integrate to set further configuration options.
- Locate the template on the Template page Horizontal View in Integrate.
- Click Vertical View.
- Click Configuration tab.
Click the Enable Loop check box to enable looping, if applicable.
NOTE: Once this check box is enabled, BDC Screens can be put into and taken out of loops. Looping is a posting mechanism that processes multiple child keys for one parent key. It allows for multiple headers with infinite details to be posted. Looping can be enabled during template creation or after recording. Refer to Configure Template Loops for detailed information.
- Click BDC Screen to view all screens captured in the recording. For each of the BDC Screens, add, edit or delete the conditionals and subsequent actions by selecting Vertical View for a record, then clicking the Conditionals button. Refer to Configure a Conditional for a BDC Screen for more information.
NOTE: The default records created should suffice for most instances; however, they can be modified or deleted as necessary. Refer to Modify BDC Script for detailed information.