Master Data Management
Role (Tasks)
Use this page to Add a Task to a Role.
- Click Master Data Management > Design in the Navigation pane.
- Click the Roles icon for a category.
- Click the Tasks icon for a role.
Field |
Description |
From IGC |
This field is not used. |
Displays the order a task displays on the Role (Task) page. |
Displays the name of the task assigned to the role. NOTE: The pages available for a task are those pages in the Content WebApp set at the Category level in the Default Web App ID field on the Category page. NOTE: These tasks were added on the Task page. To add a task, click the + icon in the list box. Refer to Add a Task for more information. |
Displays the task type assigned to the task on the Task page. Task types are:
NOTE: A task can be set to read only for a role. Users can view the task’s data but cannot make changes to the data
If checked, the task’s associated web page displays as read only for a role. Users can view the task’s data but cannot make changes to the data. If disabled, the task can be updated. |
Assigned Scenarios |
Click to open the Scenario Role Task page to view details about the selected role and task, including the columns available on the web page associated with the task. |