DSP® Application Development

Use boaStatus to Set a Toolbar Button's Control Status

Refer to Add a Toolbar Button for general information.

A toolbar button can be made active or dimmed depending on a selected record’s boaStatus value.

When the Consider Valid check box is checked for the toolbar button on the Page Columns page’s Vertical View, the DSP® uses a record’s boaStatus value to set the button to active. By default, if a record‘s boaStatus is Validation Passed or Procedure Complete, the toolbar button is active. If the record is in any other boaStatus, the toolbar button is dimmed when the user selects that record.

On the Status page, the boaStatus values with the CONSIDER VALID check box checked return 1 (enabled). By default, these statuses are 3 (Validation Passed) and 4 (Procedures Completed).

A user can also set another column in the view that dictates whether the control is enabled, disabled, or hidden, instead of using the currently selected column or boaStatus to determine control status. Refer to Set Column Control Status for more information.