Application Development

Page Design Guidelines

Follow these steps to design a fully implemented page with all available and relevant features to ensure a high-quality user experience for both business users and site administrators.

  • When naming pages:
    • Use parentheses rather than hyphens to delineate the description of the page, e.g., Request (Role) rather than Request – Role.
    • Pluralizing page names is acceptable.
  • If applicable, determine an Update and Insert method relevant to the page’s underlying data set. For simple record sets, solely Horizontal Updates/Inserts may be sufficient. If the record requires several or lengthy fields to be filled out, a Vertical View is a good page supplement. If the fields to be filled out are dependent on a choice made on the Horizontal View, a dynamic substituted vertical view is a good option. Refer to Dynamic Views for Multiple Control Fields for more information.
  • Add in all Page Column Properties to ensure the page flow is user friendly. Vertical Views should make use of tabs and labels to avoid the use of vertical scrolling. Horizontal Views should utilize Rowspan and Colspan to ensure the record length doesn’t exceed a reasonable resolution. Prioritize important text-based contextual information on the left, and actions on the right. Refer to Assign Column Properties for more information.
  • Determine which column(s) comprise a logical representation of the record set. Create or modify the Page Column to check “Show In Navigation”, which causes a secondary text color to be applied to them, visually indicating to the user that these columns are a representation of the record’s identity. This also causes them to show up concatenated within the Navigation pages. Refer to Enable Show in Navigation  for more information.
  • Review existing WebApp Groups. Determine which groups apply to the page and apply them. Ensure that the relevant groups have a valid navigation path to the page. Refer to WebApp Group Design for more information.
  • Create any control status modifiers (DCV, PCV, UCV, Control Status Field) adjustments required to ensure that only the relevant fields are editable in the right contexts.
  • Identify any columns whose meaning cannot be easily inferred by context. A bit field like “Enable Advanced Tracing” should contain Column Help to indicate to the user what this field does.  Refer to Add Column Help Text for more information.
  • Identify which columns may benefit from a watermark, such as list boxes that search for particularly named values/objects. Watermarks can display the expected formats to ensure that the user understands what’s expected. Also, suggested text formats can be useful. If the user is expected to use a namespace convention, indicating it during the add/edit is more useful than providing a warning after the save. Refer to Add a Watermark for more information.
  • Identify which columns may benefit from a tooltip, such as on images that represent a status. When a user hovers over the icon, the status displays. For instance, a red light in a column called “Status” could have a tooltip that displays “X templates failed to process." A tooltip can also be useful when a field is disabled because prerequisites have not been met. If a “Submit” button is disabled because the record is “Inactive”, then the tooltip can state “Disabled due to being inactive.” Refer to Add a Tooltip for more information.
  • Identify which columns may benefit from implementing a Default View. If there’s any input that can be inferred based on drill-down criteria or other environment information, it should be included in a default view. Input formats should be conveyed via Watermark, whereas defaults or suggested values should be conveyed via Defaults.
  • Identify which columns may contain data that should be translated. Because of potential for translation overhead as well as the Pareto principle, cell (and other) translations are opt-in. For example, if a list box within the application has the options “Active” and “Inactive,” any application string literals or user input that may be used as configuration should be translated. However, do NOT translate everything by default. This results in a slower page load and a more encumbered cache. Refer to Use Catalogs During Application Development for more information.

Consider which supplemental page features are relevant for the page.

  • Support Download – A page, such as a metric-related page, may be useful to download, while a page containing sensitive information may not.
    • If Download is supported, are there fields, such as mages and buttons, that shouldn’t be included in the downloaded file? These fields can be excluded i.e., hidden via View Type on the Page Columns page. Refer to Set Column Control Status for more information.
    • Alternatively, are there fields that should be included on the Download page that are not available on the horizontal or vertical? Hide fields using the page columns All Views view type, but then enable them on the Download for this level of control. Refer to Enable File Upload/Download for more information.
  • Support Report – Is this a page that can provide additional information about this record and/or its children? A page with the Support Report feature enabled shouldn’t solely contain the information that could be obtained via a download.
    If the page supports reporting:
    • Should an alternative view be used for the report? If the columns on the Horizontal View differ greatly from the columns on the report, create a separate view to avoid bloat to the standard Horizontal View.
    • As with Download, which columns should be shown, and which can be ignored? Which should be added for reporting purposes?
    • Should Report Groups be used to include child records per reported item? If the page already has a link to a subpage that should be included, the link can be configured to “Report Follows Link” to append children data to this page’s report. Refer to Include all Page Details in Report for more information.
  • Does Search (System Admin feature) need to be enabled?
  • Persistent Insert – When the user navigates to this page, is it likely they will add several records at once? If so, enable this option.
  • Support Direct Update – Direct update allows a user to enable or disable a check box without having to edit the page. Enable this setting if there is a check box(es) on the page, and updating the check box(es) is commonly the only change that a user makes on the page. Disable this setting if it is expected that the user will update additional information on the page.
  • Allow Explicit Quick Link – If this page requires binding to function correctly (Page Control View for example) then this should be unchecked. If not, it can be enabled.
  • Should the page support Excel upload? If so, what columns should be available to upload?
  • Are there any List Filter-enabled combo or list boxes on the page? Are there fields to add to supplement the List Filter feature? For example, layout pages within System Administration generate a Template Preview exclusively for the “Filter (Control)” view type so that there’s a visual example of what to expect when using that particular value. Refer to Add List Boxes and Combo Boxes for more information.
  • Are there fields that should not be filterable? Perhaps there are columns to filter against that do not exist in the page’s view. For example, the Messages page contains a “Date Received” datetime property on the Filter panel, which allows filtering on a range of Date Time values, even though this field is not present on the Horizontal View. Control which fields can be used as a filter on the Page Columns page’s Vertical View for a column with the View Type of Filter (Form).
  • Does the page contain referential data to another application that can be implicitly secured? For example, if the application is meant to supplement functionality based on a Wave, bind the Wave security definition shipped with Console to the page. When a user is granted access to a particular Wave, the user can view and edit data in the WebApp that relates to that Wave.
  • Does the page need Dynamic Subtitle to explain the core concept of what the user will be doing on this page? Applications like Automate use Page Subtitle on their landing page to give a brief explanation of the application’s usage. Dynamic Subtitle is defined on the Catalog Page Help page’s Vertical View (Admin > Catalogs > WebApps > Pages > Page Help),
  • Would the page benefit from a Hover View? When a record is selected on the page, if the user hovers the cursor over the page title, after a brief delay, the record’s keys display by default in the Information pane (below the Navigation pane). These values are usually GUIDs, which are meaningless to the end user. The Hover View can be populated with additional technical information about the selected record.

  • Finally, test the page performance under load while reviewing the Page Performance Monitor, accessible from any Stewardship Tier page by pressing Shift+Ctrl+K. Use the Page Performance Monitor results to determine which portions of the page run slowly when the record set (or user set) increases dramatically. The page Designer must know the anticipated largest reasonable record set. Some pages can be complex, and may affect a few records, whereas others may display or process tens of thousands.

NOTE: Being functionally complete does not mean code complete. It’s possible the page behaves correctly until it is scaled. The Designer may implement the page in a more efficient way. This happens often in application design, regardless of the development medium.