Mass Maintenance
User Credentials in Mass Maintenance
Integrate and Mass Maintenance templates use connections to a data source to download data from a target ERP system. A process template posts data to the SAP instance. The user credentials for the connection can be supplied using different methods, allowing greater flexibility when setting security.
For Integra
At the system level. By default, when downloading data from or posting data to SAP, the Stewardship Tier uses the default credentials added on Common's Data Source Registry page’s Vertical View for the SAP connection (unless another method is configured).
- At the user level by an Administrator. An Administrator can use the Data Source Registry page to manage credentials for a user. If no user-specific credentials exist, the Stewardship Tier uses the system-level credentials. Refer to Add User Credentials to a Connection for a User for more information.
- At the user level by a user on a page. On pages where user credentials are required (e.g., Integrate’s Template page’s Vertical View), a user credentials link displays that allows users to enter their user-specific credentials for the target system. Refer to Add Stored Credentials as a User on a Page in Integrate or Mass Maintenance for more information.
- At the user level using a Quick Link. An Administrator user can add the Data Source Registry User Credentials page as a Quick Link. Using this method, access to the page is provided in Integrate or Mass Maintenance on any page because users can access the Quick Link through the Site toolbar. On this page, users can add or edit their own user credentials for each target system.