Mass Maintenance
Add Role Dependencies
Roles within a template can be dependent on other roles, meaning one role cannot be finished until another is completed. Dependencies drive the workflow notification process by emailing the user assigned to the next dependent role.
Dependent roles run according to what is called upstream dependency, meaning if Role 2 is dependent on Role 1 and Role 3 is dependent on Role 2, Role 3 must be defined to be dependent on both Role 1 and Role 2, even though it is not directly dependent on Role 1.
NOTE: A role’s priority should also control how dependencies are created. Roles should never be available for processing until the roles on which they depend have been processed. Role dependencies should never be set up such that, for example, a role with priority of 50 would become available for processing before a role with priority of 30 or 40 had been processed.
NOTE: The dependencies configured for global roles are automatically added to template roles. The Review role is dependent on the Data role. The Post role is dependent on the Data Role and the Review role. These dependencies cannot be changed at the global level. Click Dependencies for a role to modify the configured dependencies for the template.
NOTE: To add a role dependency to a template role, the template must not be active or must be in Developer Mode. Refer to Modify an Active Template in Developer Mode for more information.
To register a dependency to a role:
- Click Team on Navigation pane.
- Click Templates for a team.
- Click Roles for a template.
- Click Dependencies for a role.
- Click the DEPENDS check box to enable it, indicating that the selected role is dependent upon this role. For example, a user selects Dependencies for the Review role. By default, the Data role will have the DEPENDS check box enabled, meaning that the Review role is dependent on the Data role.
NOTE: Add each upstream role the selected role should be dependent upon.