
Packages H

Packages V

Use this page to Create Packages.

To access this page, click Assemble > Packages in the Navigation pane.




Displays the package name.

The naming convention for packages is #Database#%#Source#%, for example dswBRAZIL.stKNA1_QALegacyData_Customer.imp for an import or dswBRAZIL.stKNA1_QALegacyData_Customer.exp for an export.


Displays the Assemble data source to be used for source data.


Displays the source type. Options include:

  • SQL Server
  • Table
  • ODBC
  • Fixed File
  • Delimited File
  • Excel File


Displays the Assemble data source to be used for target data.


Displays the Target Type. Options include:

  • SQL Server
  • Table
  • ODBC
  • Fixed File
  • Delimited File
  • Excel File


Click to open the Source Columns page of the selected package.


Click to open the Target Columns page of the selected package.


Click to open the Package (Mapping) page which displays the selected package's column mapping.


Click to open the package summary page of the selected package.


Click to open the Packages (Run) page, from which the selected package can be executed.


Click to open the Log page, where the selected package's execution history, number of records, Time duration, etc. can be seen.

Packages V

Packages H

Use this page to Create Packages.

Source Types:

Table - General tab



Source Information

Source Table Name

Displays the name of the table to extract data from. This name must be unique.

Target Information

Target Table Name

Displays the name of the database table used as the target for this package. This name must be unique.

NOTE: If spaces or special characters are required in the table name, the name must be enclosed in square brackets ([ and ]).

Target Table Exists

If enabled, the Target Table already exists in the database.

Create Target Table

Click to create the table in the target database in accordance with the target column specifications, and the column map.

Table - Advanced Properties tab



Time Out

Displays the SQL command timeout used for database commands. This applies only to Assemble execution. It controls the time out for a database command when a CranPort package runs. Database commands include creating a table, truncating an existing table, selecting data and writing data. If the Time Out is not specified for a package, the Parameter Time Out value automatically defaults.

Batch Size

Displays the number of records moved to the target database in each transaction. The default batch size is 10,000.

This option is useful for dense datasets which can lead to performance degradation on the system running the package.

Execution Option

Displays the option for executing the package. The values are:

  • Stop on Error – Execution will cease execution if an error is encountered.
  • Continue On Error - Assemble will log the error, and then try to continue transferring data.

Queue ID

Displays which service queue will be used to process this package.

Source Options

Source Segment Field

Displays the field used to divide the package up into smaller execution segments or blank if no field is to be used. For example, if Source Segment Field is "Country", a package will be run for each country in the source query. In this way, the package can be multi-threaded to increase performance.

NOTE: For tables, it will break up the execution of the CranPort package based on whichever field in the table the user chooses.  This is an execution optimization option.

Segment Threshold

Displays the minimum percentage of the total records a segment must have to be run in its own thread. Segments that are below the threshold are run together.

NOTE: This field is used in conjunction with Source Segment Field and indicates the percentage of which a source segment can be its own partition. The default value is 5. If any of the source segment field values breakup is less than 5 percent of the total record set it will be included in a single segment reserved for other partitions that do not exceed this threshold.

Segment Preview

When clicked, it opens a page with the first 15 records from the source.

Target Options

Target Delete Records

If enabled, records will be deleted from the target table before package execution. This may be used in conjunction with Target Delete Where Clause.

Target Delete Where Clause

If Target Delete Where Clause is not blank and Target Delete Records is checked, the where clause will be used when deleting records from the target table. "WHERE" should not be entered.

SQL - General tab



Source Information

Source SQL

Displays the SQL statement used to query the Source database.

Target Information

Target Table Name

Displays the name of the database table used as the target for this package. This name must be unique.

NOTE: If spaces or special characters are required in the table name, the name must be enclosed in square brackets ([ and ]).

Target Table Exists

If enabled, the Target Table already exists in the database.

Create Target Table

Click to create the table in the target database in accordance with the target column specifications, and the column map.

SQL - Advanced Properties tab



Time Out

Displays the SQL command timeout used for database commands. This applies only to Assemble execution. It controls the time out for a database command when a CranPort package runs. Database commands include creating a table, truncating an existing table, selecting data and writing data. If the Time Out is not specified for a package, the Parameter Time Out value automatically defaults.

Batch Size

Displays the number of records moved to the target database in each transaction. The default batch size is 10,000. This option is useful for dense datasets which can lead to performance degradation on the system running the package.

Execution Option

Displays the option for executing the package. The values are:

  • Stop on Error – Execution will cease execution if an error is encountered.
  • Continue On Error – Assemble will log the error, and then try to continue transferring data.

Queue ID

Displays which service queue will be used to process this package.

Source Options

Source Order By

When using SQL typed source, it will order the result set by this value. Order by should not be explicitly defined within the SQL itself. ORDER BY should also not be used in the value provided.

Source Segment Field

If Source Segment Field is not blank, it will be used to divide the package up into smaller execution segments. For example, if Source Segment Field is "Country", a package will be run for each country in the source query. In this way, the package can be multi-threaded to increase performance.

Segment Threshold

If Source Segment Field is used, the Segment Threshold specifies the minimum percentage of the total records a segment must have to be run in its own thread. Segments that are below the threshold are run together.

Segment Preview

Displays a dataset of each segment value along with the record count. This is based on the Source Segment Field chosen for this package.

Target Options

Target Delete Records

If enabled, records will be deleted from the target table before package execution. This may be used in conjunction with Target Delete Where Clause.

Target Delete Where Clause

If Target Delete Where Clause is not blank and Target Delete Records is checked, the where clause will be used when deleting records from the target table. "WHERE" should not be entered.

File Delimited - General tab



Source Information

Source Path

Displays thefile path specified by the Source Data Source.

Source Subdirectory

Displays the subdirectory within the data source where the source file is located.

Source File Name

Displays the name of the file to be used for source data. This name will be appended to the data source file path and the Source Subdirectory if it exists, so it should not include drive specifications (i.e. c:\).

Source File Upload

Click to upload a package source file to the web server form their local machine.

Source Contains Header

If enabled, the first row in the source file will be interpreted as a column header and not imported as data.

Source Start Row

If populated, allows for skipping unnecessary data at the beginning of the Source file. The default is 1.

Source Delimiter

Displays the delimiter used to parse the Source file.

Target Information

Target Table Name

Displays the name of the database table used as the target for this package. This name must be unique.

NOTE: If spaces or special characters are required in the table name, the name must be enclosed in square brackets ([ and ]).

Target Table Exists

If enabled, the Target Table already exists in the database.

Create Target Table

Click to create the table in the target database in accordance with the target column specifications, and the column map.

File Delimited - Advanced Properties tab



Time Out

Displays the SQL command timeout used for database commands. This applies only to Assemble execution. It controls the time out for a database command when a CranPort package runs. Database commands include creating a table, truncating an existing table, selecting data and writing data. If the Time Out is not specified for a package, the Parameter Time Out value automatically defaults.

Batch Size

Displays the number of records moved to the target database in each transaction. The default batch size is 10,000.

This option is useful for dense datasets which can lead to performance degradation on the system running the package.

Execution Option

Displays the option for executing the package. The values are:

  • Stop on Error – Execution will cease execution if an error is encountered.
  • Continue On Error - Assemble will log the error, and then try to continue transferring data.

Queue ID

Displays which service queue will be used to process this package.

Source Options

Source Code Page

Displays the encoding of the source file. Allows text files with different character sets to be imported.

Segment Treat Consecutive Delimiters As One

Determines the way consecutive delimiters are handled. For instance, if this value is checked, a line reading "A,,B" will be split into 2 columns. . If unchecked (default behavior) the line will be split into 3.

Source Text Qualifier

If specified, it is stripped from the Source data file. For example A "B" C will be exported as A B C, if " is specified as the Source Text Qualifier.

Source File Delete

If checked, the source file will be deleted after the package completes a successful execution. If the package errors they will see it as failed in the log for that package. Their Service light will also turn Yellow (If it’s not already) to indicate there was a failed job.

Target Options

Target Delete Records

If enabled, records will be deleted from the target table before package execution. This may be used in conjunction with Target Delete Where Clause.

Target Delete Where Clause

If Target Delete Where Clause is not blank and Target Delete Records is checked, the where clause will be used when deleting records from the target table. "WHERE" should not be entered.

Excel - General tab



Source Information

Source Path

Displays thefile path specified by the Source Data Source.

Source Subdirectory

Displays the subdirectory of the data source where the source file is located.

Source File Name

Displays the name of the file to be used for source data. This name will be appended to the data source file path, so it should not include drive specifications (i.e. c:\).

Source File Upload

Click to upload a package source file to the web server form their local machine.

Source Contains Header

If checked, the first row in the source file will be interpreted as a column header and not imported as data.

Source Start Row

If populated, allows for skipping unnecessary data at the beginning of the Source file. The default is 1.

Source Delimiter

Displays the delimiter used to parse the Source file.

Target Information

Target Table Name

Displays the name of the database table used as the target for this package. This name must be unique.

NOTE: If spaces or special characters are required in the table name, the name must be enclosed in square brackets ([ and ]).

Target Table Exists

If enabled, the Target Table already exists in the database.

Create Target Table

Click to create the table in the target database in accordance with the target column specifications, and the column map.

Excel - Advanced Properties tab



Time Out

Displays the SQL command timeout used for database commands. This applies only to Assemble execution. It controls the time out for a database command when a CranPort package runs. Database commands include creating a table, truncating an existing table, selecting data and writing data. If the Time Out is not specified for a package, the Parameter Time Out value automatically defaults.

Batch Size

Displays the number of records moved to the target database in each transaction. The default batch size is 10,000. This option is useful for dense datasets which can lead to performance degradation on the system running the package.

Execution Option

Displays options for executing package?

Values are:

  • Stop on Error - Assemble will cease execution if an error is encountered.
  • Continue On Error - Assemble will log the error, and then try to continue transferring data.

Queue ID

Displays which service queue will be used to process this package.

Source Options

Source Excel Worksheet

Displays the name of the Excel worksheet containing the data to be imported.

Source Excel Skip Empty Rows

If enabled, empty rows will be skipped, meaning empty records will not be written to the target.

Source File Delete

If enabled, the source file will be deleted after the package completes a successful execution.

Target Options

Target Delete Records

If enabled, records will be deleted from the target table before package execution. This may be used in conjunction with Target Delete Where Clause.

Target Delete Where Clause

If Target Delete Where Clause is not blank and Target Delete Records is checked, the where clause will be used when deleting records from the target table. "WHERE" should not be entered.

File Start-End - General tab



Source Information

Source Path

Displays the file path specified by the Source Data Source.

Source Subdirectory

Displays the subdirectory of the data source where the source file is located.

Source File Name

Displays the name of the file to be used for source data. This name will be appended to the data source file path, so it should not include drive specifications (i.e. c:\).

Source File Upload

Click to upload a package source file to the web server form their local machine.

Source Contains Header

If enabled, the first row in the source file will be interpreted as a column header and not imported as data.

Source Start Row

If populated, allows for skipping unnecessary data at the beginning of the Source file. The default is 1.

Source Delimiter

Displays the delimiter used to parse the Source file.

Target Information

Target Table Name

Displays the name of the database table used as the target for this package. This name must be unique.

NOTE: If spaces or special characters are required in the table name, the name must be enclosed in square brackets ([ and ]).

Target Table Exists

If enabled, the Target Table already exists in the database.

Create Target Table

Click to create the table in the target database in accordance with the target column specifications, and the column map.

File Start-End - Advanced Properties tab



Time Out

Displays the SQL command timeout used for database commands. This applies only to Assemble execution. It controls the time out for a database command when a CranPort package runs. Database commands include creating a table, truncating an existing table, selecting data and writing data. If the Time Out is not specified for a package, the Parameter Time Out value automatically defaults.

Batch Size

Displays the number of records moved to the target database in each transaction. The default batch size is 10,000.

This option is useful for dense datasets which can lead to performance degradation on the system running the package.

Execution Option

Displays the option for executing the package. The values are:

  • Stop on Error – Execution will cease execution if an error is encountered.
  • Continue On Error - Assemble will log the error, and then try to continue transferring data.

Queue ID

Displays which service queue will be used to process this package.

Source Options

Source Code Page

Displays the encoding of the source file. Allows text files with different character sets to be imported.

Source File Delete

If enabled, the source file will be deleted after the package completes a successful execution.

Target Options

Target Delete Records

If enabled, records will be deleted from the target table before package execution. This may be used in conjunction with Target Delete Where Clause.

Target Delete Where Clause

If Target Delete Where Clause is not blank and Target Delete Records is checked, the where clause will be used when deleting records from the target table. "WHERE" should not be entered.

File Width - General tab



Source Information

Source Path

Displays the file path specified by the Source Data Source.

Source Subdirectory

Displays the subdirectory of the data source where the source file is located.

Source File Name

Displays the name of the file to be used for source data. This name will be appended to the data source file path, so it should not include drive specifications (i.e. c:\).

Source File Upload

Click to upload a package source file to the web server form their local machine.

Source Contains Header

If enabled, the first row in the source file will be interpreted as a column header and not imported as data.

Source Start Row

If populated, allows for skipping unnecessary data at the beginning of the Source file. The default is 1.

Source Delimiter

Displays the delimiter used to parse the Source file.

Target Information

Target Table Name

Displays the name of the database table used as the target for this package. This name must be unique.

NOTE: If spaces or special characters are required in the table name, the name must be enclosed in square brackets ([ and ]).

Target Table Exists

If enabled, the Target Table already exists in the database.

Create Target Table

Click to create the table in the target database in accordance with the target column specifications, and the column map.

File Width - Advanced Properties tab



Time Out

Displays the SQL command timeout used for database commands. This applies only to Assemble execution. It controls the time out for a database command when a CranPort package runs. Database commands include creating a table, truncating an existing table, selecting data and writing data. If the Time Out is not specified for a package, the Parameter Time Out value automatically defaults.

Batch Size

Displays the number of records moved to the target database in each transaction. The default batch size is 10,000. This option is useful for dense datasets which can lead to performance degradation on the system running the package.

Execution Option

Displays the option for executing the package. The values are:

  • Stop on Error – Execution will cease execution if an error is encountered.
  • Continue On Error - Assemble will log the error, and then try to continue transferring data.

Queue ID

Displays which service queue will be used to process this package.

Source Options

Source Code Page

Displays the encoding of the source file. Allows text files with different character sets to be imported.

Source File Delete

If enabled, the source file will be deleted after the package completes a successful execution.

Target Options

Target Delete Records

If enabled, records will be deleted from the target table before package execution. This may be used in conjunction with Target Delete Where Clause.

Target Delete Where Clause

If Target Delete Where Clause is not blank and Target Delete Records is checked, the where clause will be used when deleting records from the target table. "WHERE" should not be entered.