Job Detail H
Use this page to View Summary.
To access this page:
Field |
Description |
Displays the unique identifier for monitoring record. |
Displays current status of the monitored job. |
Displays message returned when the job completed. |
Displays target database (where tables are refreshed with source data) impacted by the job. |
Displays source database (where data is refreshed from and stored in the target) impacted by the job. |
Displays table impacted by the job. |
Displays type of job performed on table. |
Job Detail V
Use this page to View Summary.
Field |
Description |
General |
Monitor ID |
Displays unique identifier of the monitoring record. |
Status |
Displays current status of the job. |
Message |
Displays message returned when job completed. |
Target |
Displays target database (where tables are refreshed with source data) impacted by the job. |
Source |
Displays source database (where data is refreshed from and stored in the target) impacted by the job. |
Table |
Displays table impacted by the job. |
Job Information |
Job Type |
Displays type of job performed on table. |
Job ID |
Displays unique identifier associated with the job. |
Additional Information |
Function Name |
Displays procedure that created the monitoring record. |
Index |
Displays table index impacted by the job. Field is blank if there is no index. Indices are defined at Target > Source > Table > Indices. |
Added By |
Displays user ID who started the job that added the monitoring record (i.e., whoever ran the event). |
Added On |
Displays date and time when job that added the monitoring record was started (i.e., when the event was run). |