
Generate Records in the AE History Table

The AE Insert History check box is a troubleshooting tool for any user that encounters issues with AE processing. Users will be able to review the AE history processing with the flag turned on. A pre-requisite to inserting into the History table is ensuring that there are Targets in Target Design. Refer to Add a Target for more information.

Refer to Add Fields to Tables  to add fields to the System Type table.

To generate records in the History table and add an index to the History table:

  1. Select Automation Engine > Automation Engine Params from the Navigation pane.

    NOTE: The AE Insert History must not be enabled. In the event that it is, click Edit and uncheck the box.

  2. Delete all records in ttAutomationEngineHistory in DSPCommon database.
  3. Navigate to Target Design and click DESIGN FINISH for a Target.
  4. Recheck that the table ttAutomationEngineHistory is empty in DSPCommon database.
  5. Select Automation Engine > Automation Engine Params from the Navigation pane.
  6. Select the AE Insert History check box to enable it.
  7. Navigate to Target Design and change the Design Status to DESIGN FINISHED for a target. Refer to Set the Design Status for more information.
  8. Ensure that entries have been added to ttAutomationEngineHistory in DSPCommon Database by getting a count.
  9. Navigate to Automation Engine > Automation Engine Params.
  10. Click AE Insert History to disable it.