
Migration Execution Levels

Use this page to view the configuration of delivered Execution Levels.

To access this page, select Advanced Configuration > Migration Execution Levels in the Navigation pane.




Displays the name of the Execution Level. Execution Levels are used to determine at what level Migration Execution tasks are performed and to provide an opportunity to break down the task and recording of results into lower level groups.

These Execution Levels are delivered with the Stewardship Tier:

  • Object—Used when:
    • Migration activities are performed at the overall object level regardless of the number of associated target tables and 
    • Where there is no requirement to split tasks such as the recording of load statistics by any kind of sub-grouping within the data set.
  • Object Group—Used when:
    • Migration activities are performed at the overall object level regardless of the number of associated target tables and
    • Where users want to split tasks such as the recording of load statistics by a sub-group that exists within the data set.
  • Target—Used when:
    • Migration activities are performed at the individual target table within an object level and 
    • Where there is no requirement to split tasks such as the recording of load statistics by any kind of sub-grouping within the data set.
  • Target Group—Used when:
    •  Migration activities are performed at the individual target table within an object level and 
    • Where users want to split tasks such as the recording of load statistics by a sub-group that exists within the data set.


If checked, the Execution Level can be used at the object level. 

If unchecked, the Execution Level cannot be used at the object level.


If checked, the Execution Level can be used at the target level. 

If unchecked, the Execution Level cannot be used at the target level.


If checked, the Execution Level can be used at the Execution Group level. 

If unchecked, the Execution Level cannot be used at the Execution Group level.

NOTE: Migration Execution Groups provide users with the possibility to define groups that are meaningful to their project, such as Business Unit, Country, or Material Type.


If checked, this content is installed with the Stewardship Tier and cannot be edited.

If unchecked, the content was added by a user or process.

NOTE: This is a display-only check box. It cannot be updated.