Data Quality
View an Opportunity View's Definition and Error Reports
Opportunity Views are used as the denominator in Data Quality percent calculations. For example, an error report such as tvMARA_FinishedGoodsBaseUoMNot EachSel may have an Opportunity View called tvMARA_ActiveFinishedGoodsOptSel. If the error report produced 100 errors and the Opportunity View includes 1,000 Finished Goods. then there would be 10% (100 / 1000) defects or 90% Data Quality %.
Since these Opportunity Views provide an important input into Data Quality % calculation, users can view a summary list of all active Opportunity Views along with the list of error reports to which they are assigned.
To view the error reports associated with an Opportunity View:
- Click Configuration > Opportunity Views in the Navigation pane.
- Click the Error Reports icon.
Users can also view the SQL definition of the Opportunity View.
To view the SQL definition:
- Click Configuration > Opportunity Views in the Navigation pane.
- Click the View Definition icon.
NOTE: The Opportunity Views page does not allow Opportunity Views to be added. Instead, on the Repository Reports page an OnValidate event inserts Opportunity Views assigned to reports into the table behind the Opportunity Views page. Users can then manually add a description to an Opportunity View to the DESCRIPTION field on the Opportunity Views page to provide a definition of the scope of data that the Opportunity View represents.
To provide a description of the Opportunity View:
- Click Configuration > Opportunity Views in the Navigation pane.
- Click the Edit icon for an Opportunity View.
- Enter the description in the DESCRIPTION field.
- Click Save.