Mass Maintenance
Add and Configure Template Roles
A role is a single step in the mass change process. A role type is assigned to a role to define how the role data within the request is manipulated.
NOTE: Every Template Role must be assigned as a Security Definition Key Value to an existing or new security role. Refer to Set Security for more information.
There are three global role types:
- Data - Gathers or makes changes to data
- Review - Evaluates and reviews data and is responsible for approving or rejecting work. Data can be viewed but not modified.
- Post - Posts data to the target system, and the final role in the process after the Data and Review roles have been completed.
A Template Administrator can also add an External Data role to a template. External Data roles have role type of ExternalData. Refer to Use External Data Roles in Request Processing for more information.
The three global roles can be:
- Modified without overriding settings at the template-role level
- Copied to a template manually
- Copied to a template automatically if the Auto Copy option is selected on the Vertical View of the Roles page, accessible by selecting Configuration > Roles on the Navigation pane
A Template Administrator can also add a role at the template level only, and is not required to add it to the pool of global roles. Changes to template roles are not tied to global roles and apply only to the role at the template level.
Refer to Configure Global Roles for more information.
To configure template roles: