Mass Maintenance
Review Request Data
The primary responsibility of the Review role is to evaluate the work of the Data Entry role(s) for accuracy and completion.
NOTE: The data available to specific users for review can be controlled using Review filters. Refer to Create Review Filters for more information.
NOTE: Review filters only apply to Mass Maintenance-generated Review/Approve pages. If a custom page is assigned to a Review role, then the Review filters do not apply to that page.
NOTE: When the Data Entry role user clicks Finish for the role, the user assigned to the Review role for the request will receive an email if the SEND WORKFLOW check box is enabled for that user on the User page. If multiple Data Entry roles exist for the template, the Review role will receive the notification when the final Data Entry role in the workflow clicks Finish.
NOTE: If the request has Org Units assigned, Mass Maintenance will only send workflow emails to users who have Org Unit security for values on the request.
This topic contains the following sections:
Review the Data
To review the request data:
Click the Workflow link in the email to be directed to the request
Select Requests on the Navigation pane.
Click Roles for a request.
NOTE: The count on the Roles icon is the number of roles the current user can access, not the total number of roles for the request.
- Click DATA ENTRY for the ReviewROLE ID.
Review the data for accuracy.
NOTE: If the parameter Allow Partial Approval is enabled on the Template tab of the Parameters page, the Review role can approve or reject each record separately. Refer to Perform a Partial Approval for further information.
NOTE: If the Use Comparison Approval Page check box is enabled for the Template, the review page displays both the current target system’s values and the values changed. Refer to Use Comparison Approvals for more information.
- Click Back button on the browser to return to the Request (Role)page.
Click Approve to confirm the data is correct. This process initiates the workflow email to users assigned to the Post role.
Click Reject if there are errors in the data. This process resets the role.
Reject a Role
If a mistake is made or if information is incomplete after the Data role has been finished, the Review role may reject some or all of the records in a request. Rejecting a role resets all dependency and workflow emails for all users assigned to the roles and dependent roles. Any completed information remains and can be edited.
NOTE: To target a role for request rejection from a Review role, refer to Set Target Role for Request Rejections from a Review Role for more information.
NOTE: When the Review role user clicks Reject for any records on the request, the user assigned to the initial Data Entry role for the request will receive an email if the SEND WORKFLOW check box is enabled for that user on the User page.
NOTE: If another role is specified on the Template (Role)page Vertical View, Approve and Finish Settings tab, in the Reject Role Target list box, that role receives the email instead of the initial Data Entry role. The Reject Role Target list box only displays when a user clicks Vertical View on theTemplate (Role)page for the Review Role. Refer to Set Target Role for Request Rejections for more information.
NOTE: If the request was initiated by an external request scenario that created an Excel-initiated request and the request is rejected by the Reviewer, Mass Maintenance sends an email to the email address that originated the request. The email has an Excel file attached that contains the data entry records with the Reviewer's Reject Reason. The user must correct the errors in the Excel file and send the corrected file to the External Email Account to begin the process again.
To reject a role:
Click the Workflow link in the email to be directed to the request.
Select Requests on the Navigation pane.
Click Roles for a request.:
NOTE The count on the Roles icon is the number of roles the current user can access, not the number of roles for the request.
- Click Reject for the Review role; the Reject page displays.
Click Edit.
- Enter a justification for the role rejection in REJECTION REASON.
- Click Save.
- Click Reject.
NOTE: The user assigned to the initial Data Entry role is notified that the role must be completed. The rejection reason is included in the Reject email notification and can be viewed from the Vertical View of the request via the Rejection Archive icon.
Perform a Partial Approval
If the template was configured to Allow Partial Approval, the Review role user can reject only the data that is not correct instead of rejecting all of the records in the request.
NOTE: To allow partial approval, select the Vertical View for the Review role on the Template (Roles) page. On the Approve and Finish Settings tab, click the Allow Partial Approval check box to enable it. To set this globally, on the Parameters page, on the Template tab, click Allow Partial Approval.
NOTE: If the request has Org Units assigned, Mass Maintenance only sends workflow emails to users who have Org Unit security for values on the request.
To partially approve a role:
- Click the Workflow link in the email to be directed to the request.
- Select Requests on the Navigation pane.
Click Roles for a request.
NOTE: The count on the Roles icon is the number of roles the current user can access, not the total number of roles for the request.
- Click DATA ENTRY for the Review role.
- Review the data.
- Click the REJECT check box for each row of data to reject.
Click Edit.
- Enter a justification for the role rejection in REJECTION REASON field.
- Click Save.
- Navigate to the Request (Roles) page.
- Click Approve to move the approved records to the Post role.
- Click Reject.
- Enter a justification for the role rejection in REJECTION REASON.
- Click Save.
NOTE: The records that were rejected are entered into a new request with the description [Original Request Description] (Rejected Records). The initial role users of the new request are sent a workflow email. The non-rejected records are then carried over for posting as part of the original request.
NOTE: If a role has been selected in the Partial Approval Reject Request Role Target list box (accessible on the Template (Role) page’s Vertical View on the Approve and Finish Settings tab for the Review role), that role is assigned the new request and the one that receives the email that the request is ready for processing. Refer to Set Target Role for Request Rejections for more information
NOTE: If the original request had Org Unit values assigned, those Org Unit values are also assigned to the new request that contains the rejected records.
NOTE: The role rejection reason is included in the Reject email notification and can be viewed from the Vertical View of the Request via the Rejection Archive icon. The rejection reasons entered on the individual data records will be visible on those records on the Data Entry role for the new request.