Master Data Management

Category Org Units for Position

To access this page:

  1. Select Master Data Management >Security > Position in the Navigation pane.
  2. Click the Category Org Units icon.



Refresh Values

Click to refresh the org unit values for the selected Category ID.

Include All Org Units

Click to include all the org unit values for all roles within a category that are included in the position.


Displays the category to which the org unit belongs.


Displays the category object name.

A category object defines the kind of master data a WebApp is expected to process (i.e., the object(s) the category supports, such as Material, Customer or Vendor). Refer to Add a Category Object Overview for more information.


If enabled, the roles are assigned to this position from the category for which the org units have been set up.

Org Unit1

Click to open the Position Category OrgUnit1 page where a system administrator assigns category Org Unit values to roles. The count on the icon is the number of OrgUnit1 values that have been included for roles in the position.

Org Unit2

Click to open the Position Category OrgUnit2 page where a system administrator assigns Org Unit values to roles. The count on the icon is the number of OrgUnit2 values that have been included for roles in the position.

Org Unit3

Click to open the Position Category OrgUnit3 page where a system administrator assigns Org Unit values to roles. The count on the icon is the number of OrgUnit3 values that have been included for roles in the position.