Master Data Management
Add an Integrate Process to a Scenario
Before adding a process to a scenario, Add a Scenario.
NOTE: An Integrate process cannot be deactivated or deleted if it is assigned to an MDM scenario that has a status of published.
NOTE: The Integrate process must be active to be used for posting.
NOTE: When a Request is created, each Integrate Process assigned to the Scenario is assigned a unique Posting ID which can be used to assist while troubleshooting. Integrate uses this Posting ID as a parameter for Integrate Process Template rules and validations. The Integrate Process is also passed a Where Clause used for the posting data views that only contains the Request ID (e.g. “WHERE RequestID = 999”).
To add a process to a scenario in MDM:
- Select Master Data Management > Design in the Navigation pane.
- Click the Scenarios icon for a category on the Category page.
- Click the Processes icon for a scenario.
Click Add.
Select the Integrate process for posting from the INTEGRATE PROCESS ID list box.
NOTE: Only allowed processes set at the category level display. Refer to Set Allowed Processes at the Category Level for more information.
Enter a value in the PRIORITY field.
NOTE: This value determines the order the process displays on the Scenario Process page and the order in which the processes are executed for posting.
- Click Save.