Master Data Management
Business Process Predictive
This chart displays an estimate by Business Process of when ‘In Process’ requests will be completed based upon the prior average request processing time of requests associated with the same business process.
A business process that has a negative number of days means that the business process is running better than average where as a positive number of days means the business process is performing worse than average.
An ‘In Process’ request is one whose first role has started but where the request is not finished.
The average request duration is based upon archived requests and active requests that have been finished.
Click a bar to drill down to the Request page.
Refer to View Charts in MDM for general information about chart features.
To access this chart in MDM:
- Select Master Data Management > Design in the Navigation pane.
- Click Vertical View for a category.
- Click Metrics tab.
- Click Predictive Business Process.
- Select Master Data Management > Dashboards in the Navigation pane.
- Click Business Process Predictive.