Master Data Management
Generate Control Views for Content WebApp Pages
A Designer can create views, including Page Control Views (PCV) and Data Control Views (DCV), for a scenario > role > task combination. These objects are created and stored in the Content WebApp’s database.
Before performing this task, Generate a Control Table for Content WebApp Pages.
If a task has active variants assigned, MDM builds a DCV. Refer to Add a Variant to a Task for more information.
When a DCV is built, three views are created:
- A view for default columns with the naming convention web[Page View’s Root Name]_StarDcv that is linked to the Control Table
- A view for the column variant, named web[Page View’s Root Name]_[variant column name]_Dcv that is linked to the Control Table
- A final DCV view named web[Page View’s Root Name]_Dcv, as a union combining the other two views
If a task does not have active variants, MDM builds a PCV with the naming convention web[Page View’s Root Name]_Pcv.
NOTE: When generating views for content WebApp pages, MDM checks to see if that Page is used in any task that has an active variant.
NOTE: PVCs and DCVs are only created for pages with a page type of Dynamic.
NOTE: At creation, these views may not be fully functional based on the design of your Task Page These can be used as a starting point. A Designer must complete and test the created views before registering the views to a page(s) in the Content WebApp. The Control Table contains ScenarioID and RoleID values that may need to be added to the view, or used as join criteria to other tables, or registered as Binding Fields in the Link to Page Column criteria. If a change to the views is to be made, it is best practice to rename the view so that if it was created or altered via the Create Control Views event on the Scenario Role Task page, the changes made are not overwritten. Control views typically need to factor in RequestID and RoleID as these methods are designed with the intent to minimize dual maintenance of pages. In MDM you should only have to ever build a single page to represent a table in your enterprise data model. Use control views to display fields and events differently based on variables such as BusinessProcessID, ScenarioID, RoleID, and boaUserID.
To create a control view:
- Click Master Data Management > Design in the Navigation pane.
- Click the Scenarios icon for a category.
- Click the Roles icon for a scenario.
- Click the Tasks icon for a role.
- Click the Pages icon for a scenario > role > task combination.
- Select one or more page records, and then click the Create Control View icon in the Page toolbar.