System Administration

Advanced Workflow

Use this page to Configure Workflow Fields.

To configure the workflow fields:

  1. Select Admin > WebApps in the Navigation pane.
  2. Click the Pages icon for a WEB APP NAME.
  3. Click the Events icon for a DESCRIPTION.
  4. Click the Business Rules icon for an EVENT.
  5. Click Vertical View for a business rule with a PROCEDURE TYPE of Workflow.
  6. Click Workflow Fields.




Displays the event that will cause the workflow to be executed. 

Alternate View

Displays the view used by the workflow.

General Fields

Message Type ID Field

Displays an option that overrides the static defined Message Type on the vertical of the Business Rules page. A workflow can either sent notifications to users and/or emails. To use, specify a MessageTypeID defined on the Admin -> Configuration -> Messages Types page.


Displays the column name from the Alternate View that contains the sender’s email address.


Displays the column name from the Alternate View that contains the email address(es) or userID(s) of the TO recipients.


Displays the column name from the Alternate View that contains the email address(es) or userID(s) of the CC recipients. If the workflow contains a link, each recipient receives a separate notification or email. 


Displays the column name from the Alternate View that contains the email address(es) or userID(s) of the BCC recipients. If the workflow contains a link, each recipient receives a separate notification or email. 


Displays the column name from the Alternate View that contains the subject of the email.


Displays the column name from the Alternate View that contains the content of the email.

Email Fields

Email Attachment

Displays the column name from the Alternate View where the paths to the file attachment(s) are specified. 

Message Fields


This option allows several messages sent to a user to be grouped together. If the user is off online when the message is sent, after logging in only the most recent message in the group will be displayed and/or considered unread.