Debug - Breakpoints
Use this page to Debug Rules and Reports Using Breakpoints.
To access this page:
- Access Transform.
- Click the Targets icon on the Process Area Launch page.
- Select a Target.
- Click the Debug icon on the Page toolbar.
Field |
Description |
Process |
Click to process the job until the next breakpoint. |
Clear Breakpoints |
Click to remove all breakpoints. |
Displays the name of the source table, if the object is a source import, source report, or source rule. |
Displays the priority of the source, if the object is a source import, source report, or source rule. |
Displays the type of object: Rule, Report, Src Import or Export. |
Displays the name of the view, stored procedure or table that stores the object in SQL. |
Displays the priority of the object. |
Breakpoint |
If checked, a breakpoint is set for the object. |
Continue From Breakpoint |
Click to continue from the current breakpoint while processing. The job will continue until the next breakpoint or until the job is complete. |