
Target Sources H

Target Sources V All Tabs

Use this page to Manage Target Sources.

NOTE: Bulk Execution has been enabled on this page. Refer to Use Bulk Execution for more information.

To access this page:

  1. Access Transform.
  2. Click the Targets icon on the Process Area Launch page.
  3. Click the Sources icon for a Target.




Click to run the entire source in the background by importing all data from all sources and running all source rules and source reports. View the status of background processing on the Monitor page.

NOTE: If the selected source is inactive, the Process icon is disabled.


Click to reset the processing status if a process fails for any of the Target Source’s Target Source reports or Target Source rules.


Click to open the Debug – Breakpoints (Target Sources) page to add breakpoints to steps in the process for the selected Target Source for Target Source rules and Target Source reports. Use breakpoints to debug issues with failed processing.


Displays the order the source is processed.


Displays the status.

If Source Active On Build is enabled on the Parameters page in Console, target sources are auto-generated with a default status of active in Transform. If feature is disabled, target sources are auto-generated with a default status of inactive in Transform.


Displays the user friendly source name for the source data source assigned to the target in Console.


Displays the name of the object that stores the source data. Default value is SrcTable.


Displays the connection type for the source import associated with a CranPort, SSIS, or Data Services package. These imports can be from comma-separated text files, Excel files, Access databases, SQL Server databases or ODBC databases, such as DB2 and Oracle.


Displays the last date the reports or rules in the source were processed.


Displays the total number of records on source reports.


Displays the amount of time in seconds that it took for all reports and rules in the source to process.

NOTE: The duration for sources, targets, and objects is calculated as the sum of the durations of the various tasks that run within said sources, targets, and objects.


If checked, reports at the target source level are published to the report delivery pages if the PUBLISH check boxes are checked at both the individual report level and the level of processing in Transform.

A new 'Historical Record Count' is recorded and displayed on the report delivery pages (with a new RunID) when the PUBLISH check box is checked at the report level and Transform is processed at any level.

NOTE: If Publish is not checked, the user will only see the Publish, Implication and Recommendation fields. If Publish is checked, the user will see the Publish, Business User Priority, Sensitive, Implication, Recommendation and Business User Assignment fields.

Refer to Publish Reports to Report Delivery Pages for more information.


Click to open the Target Source Rules page to add, edit and delete rules for the selected source.

NOTE: If the source’s status is inactive or if the Source Database Object is –SrcTable—this icon is disabled


Click to open the Target Source Reports page to add, edit and delete reports for the selected source.

NOTE: If the source’s status is inactive or if the Source Database Object is –SrcTable—this icon is disabled

View Source

Click to open the Target Sources page to view the source data.


Click to open the Monitor page to monitor the background job processes for the selected source. If a source has no data to process, this icon is disabled.

Target Sources V All Tabs

Target Sources H

Use this page to Manage Target Sources.

This page has the following tabs:

General tab




Click to reset the processing status if a process fails for any of the Target Source’s Target Source reports or Target Source rules.


Click to run the entire source in the background by importing all data from all sources and running all source rules and source reports in that order. View the status of background processing on the Monitor page.

NOTE: If the selected source is inactive, the Process icon is disabled.


Click to open the Debug – Breakpoints (Target Sources) page to add breakpoints to steps in the process for the selected Target Source, including Target Source rules and Target Source reports. Use breakpoints to debug issues with failed processing.

Source Information

Source ID

Displays the source name.

Source Database Object

Displays the name of the object that stores the source data.

Source Connection Type

Displays the connection type for the source import associated with a CranPort, SSIS or Data Services package. These imports can be from comma-separated text files, Excel Files, Access databases, SQL Server databases or ODBC databases, such as DB2 and Oracle.

Package Name

Displays the CranPort, SSIS or Data Services import package name. This field does not display if the CONNECTION TYPE set on the Target Source page’s Horizontal View is None.

The naming convention for packages is #Database#%#Source#%, for example dswBRAZIL.stKNA1_QALegacyData_Customer.imp for an import or dswBRAZIL.stKNA1_QALegacyData_Customer.exp for an export.

Truncate Before Import

If checked, a source table is truncated before an import package is run against it. This field does not display if the CONNECTION TYPE set on the Target Source page’s Horizontal View is None.

Status Information


Displays the order the source is processed.


Displays the status. Only active sources are run.

If Source Active On Build is enabled on the Parameters page in Console, target sources are auto-generated with a default status of active in Transform. If disabled target sources are auto-generated with a default status of inactive in Transform.

Contact Information

Primary Developer

Displays the name of the primary developer responsible for the target. This field is for documentation purposes only.

Secondary Developer

Displays the name of the secondary developer responsible for the target. This field is for documentation purposes only.


Generated Documentation

Click to open the Target Documentation page to generate and download audit documentation, reconciliation reports, and technical documentation.

Process Information tab



Action On

Displays the date Transform processed the selected Target Source.

Record Count

Displays the number of records in the selected source.


Displays the amount of time Transform took to process the selected Target Source. If the field is empty, the Target Source has not been processed.

NOTE: The duration for sources, targets, and objects is calculated as the sum of the durations of the various tasks that run within said sources, targets, and objects.


Click to open the Monitor page to monitor the background job processes for the selected source. If a source has no data to process, this icon is disabled.

Import Table

Create Import Table

If checked, Transform automatically generates the import table when importing data from the source. Transform provides the ability to import data from an Excel file, a text file, or another source table in another database on the same server into a source table.

View Import Table

Click to view the import table.

NOTE: This icon is disabled if the user has checked the Create Import Table check box but has not processed the Target Source after doing so. The View Import Table icon will be disabled until the user clicks the Process icon for the Target Source.


Import Only

Click to only import the selected source and not process source rules or reports.

Source Rules Only

Click to only process rules only for the selected source.

Source Reports Only

Click to only process reports for the selected source.