Application Development
Set Parameters for a Public WebApp Event
Enabling an event to be public allows other events from any WebApp to call this event. When executed, the event will take in the parameters configured in these steps, find the associated record from this page, and fire the event.
At the Business Rule level, a user can set the value to pass to the parameter on the Page Event Rule Parameters page.
NOTE: When creating an event, a key column property must be set if the page is based on a view or if the page doesn’t have a primary key. For example, a user creates a background event that runs on a Vertical View, but the parameter, the primary key, only displays on the Horizontal View.
The user must either:
- Include the primary key as one of the arguments in the stored procedure (since it should be in both the Horizontal and Vertical View) and then, in the stored procedure, run a select statement to get another column's value from the Vertical View using the primary key.
- Include the column in the Horizontal View and hide it via a column property with the Horizontal View type. Refer to Set Column Control Status for more information.
To set parameters:
- Select Admin > WebApps in the Navigation pane.
- Click the Pages icon for a WEB APP NAME.
- Click the Events icon for a page.
- Click Vertical View for an event.
- Click the Advanced Properties tab.
- Click the Parameters icon.
NOTE: The Parameters icon is active if the Public check box is checked on the Page Events page's Vertical View.
NOTE: If no records exist, the page opens in add mode. Otherwise, click Add.
- Enter a number in the PRIORITY field.
NOTE: The priority order is used when aligning values from another event to call this event. The framework auto-inserts the table’s key fields in their order from the table, and/or the page’s column properties marked as keys. Commonly, higher priority parameters are specific to other business rules, such as plugins or procedures that expect other row data.
- Select a parameter or add one in the PARAMETER NAME combo box.
NOTE: When the Public check box is checked on the Page Events page’s Vertical View, the page’s keys are inserted into the Page Event Parameters page as the initial parameters.
NOTE: This Parameter Name is populated on the Page Event Parameters page's Vertical View, where the user can select the parameter value.
- Select an option from the PARAMETER TYPE list box.
NOTE: Options are:
- Required – A value for this parameter must be passed to the event
- Key – The value passed for this event must be a key(s) value. This value is also required, but is treated as a key field, not a data field, during event execution.
- Optional – A value for this parameter could be passed to the event, but it is not required.
- Enter a description in the DESCRIPTION text box.
- Click Save.