

This page has the following tabs:

Validations tab

Use this tab to Create Comment Requirements for Tasks.

To access this page, select Track > Configuration > Parameters from Navigation pane.



Require Comment

Displays an option to indicate if users are required to enter a comment when finishing a task after the planned finish date. Users finish a task by clicking Next Action on the Work List when a task status is In Progress. Values are:

  • Yes This task will require a comment when the user clicks Next Action on the Work List to move the Plan Task from In Progress status to Completed after the planned finish date.
  • No – This task will not require a comment when the user clicks Next Action on the Work List to move the Plan Task from In Progress status to Completed after the planned finish date.

This setting can be overwritten at the plan, tag, and task level.

Refer to Set Comment Requirements for Tasks for more information.

Require Late Comment

Displays an option to indicate if users are required to enter a late comment when finishing a task after the planned finish date. Users finish a task by clicking Next Action on the Work List when a task status is In Progress. Values are:

  • Yes This task will require a late comment when the user clicks Next Action on the Work List to move the Plan Task from In Progress status to Completed after the planned finish date.
  • No This task will not require a late comment when the user clicks Next Action on the Work List to move the Plan Task from In Progress status to Completed after the planned finish date.

This setting can be overwritten at the plan, tag, and task level.

Refer to Set Comment Requirements for Tasks for more information.

Default Plan Calendar

Displays the name of the calendar used by default when an MSProject file or an Excel file are imported into dspTrack™. The calendar is used in schedule status calculations.

dspTrack users must have their User Calendar set to the same value as the Default Plan Calendar.

Refer to Use a Calendar for more information.

Plan Upload File Path

Displays the file path where project files (MSProject files or Excel files) are stored once uploaded during the import process. Refer to Import a Project File into dspTrack™ for more information.

NOTE: This field must be completed on a client’s site, and is required before a project file can be uploaded into dspTrack™. Refer to Set the Upload Path for dspTrack™ for more information.

Workflow tab

Use this page to set a value that controls how long a user can View Workflow Messages Sent.



Workflow Retention Days

Displays the number of days Workflow notifications are retained and can be viewed on the Workflow Log page. Notifications include Escalation process emails, messages about tasks that are in a Ready status, or messages about tasks that have fallen behind.

Security tab



Plan User Access Sync Enable

If enabled, DSP users who have access to dspTrack (via Roles or Security Definitions) will be added into dspTrack ttProjectAccessSetup tables to facilitate Project task assignment.