
Upload Rules to the Knowledge Tier

Business Rules can define controls for business data to help businesses achieve goals. Rule compliance is assessed based on a true or false analysis. If the rule statement is true, the rule is achieved. If the statement is false, it is not achieved. Refer to Set Up Rules in the Knowledge Tier help for more information.

To upload a rule to the Knowledge Tier:

  1. Create a rule


    Change an existing rule

    1. Relate rules to other assets (optional)

    2. Assign or change sponsors (optional)

    3. Add or change supporting documentation (optional)

  2. Review rule, mark all items as “ready” and post

Create a Knowledge Tier Rule

Rules can either be manually added or bulk added via the Excel integration capability, which allows multiple rules to be added at once by uploading an Excel file. Refer to Use Excel Integration Overview for more information.

NOTE: API stored procures are also available to programmatically create rules in the Knowledge Tier. Refer to Use API Stored Procedures to Post Assets for more information.

Syniti recommends that before creating any rules, download all assets from the Knowledge Tier so that relationships and sponsors can be linked to existing content.

To create a Knowledge Tier rule:

  1. Select Knowledge Tier Connect > Knowledge Tier Upload > Create Rule in the Navigation pane.

  2. Click Add to manually create a rule.


    Use Excel integration to bulk add multiple rules.

    View the page description for the Rule Upload page

  3. Enter the rule statement in the STATEMENT field.

  4. Enter the rule implication in the IMPLICATION field.

    NOTE: The Implication is the effect a policy or action has on the operations or financial well-being of a company. In other words, if the rule is not followed, what consequences will the company suffer as a result?

  5. Leave the default text of “Original Version” in the CHANGE DESCRIPTION field.

  6. Select a user from the ASSIGNED TO list box.

    NOTE: When a user is assigned to a rule, the assignee receives a notification by email, depending on their user settings, of changes made to the rule.

  7. Click Save.

Change an Existing Knowledge Tier Rule

Users may update rules that already exist in the Knowledge Tier. This process uses the latest draft version of the rule and replaces all fields in the Knowledge Tier. If the rule has, for example, a Sponsor when the rule is downloaded from the Knowledge Tier, and the Sponsor is deleted while it is updated in the Stewardship Tier, the rule will no longer have a Sponsor when it is uploaded back to the Knowledge Tier.

NOTE: API stored procures are also available to programmatically change rules in the Knowledge Tier. Refer to Use API Stored Procedures to Post Assets for more information.

If one user is updating the rule in the Stewardship Tier at the same time another user is updating the rule in the Knowledge Tier, there will be a change conflict. The changes made by the last user to upload override the other changes. However, if a rule has an endorse status of “Review,” it cannot be posted to the Knowledge Tier. Be mindful of making updates to rules so changes in the Knowledge Tier are not overridden.

NOTE: Users are unable to create or change category values for a rule. However, if an existing category value is removed from a rule and posted, the category value will be removed from the Knowledge Tier.

API NOTE: On the download page for rule relationship, sponsor and supporting documentation pages, a DIRECTION field is available, which is the direction of the relationship. While users can download asset details with relationships of any direction (In, Out or Both), asset details with a direction of In cannot be modified. Therefore, the Change Rule page does not display asset details with an In direction; it only displays asset details with Out or Both directions.

To change existing rules:

  1. Download rules from the Knowledge Tier. This process retrieves all rules with a Draft version.

  2. Select Knowledge Tier Connect > Knowledge Tier Upload > Change Rule in the Navigation pane.

  3. Click the Select Existing Rule icon on the Page toolbar; a new tab opens to display the Select Existing Rule for Change page.

  4. Select a rule or use CTRL + click to select multiple rules. A confirmation message displays to confirm downloading of the latest draft version of the selected rule.

  5. Click OK. The rule has been marked as “ready” and now displays on the Change Rule page.

  6. Close the tab to return to the Change Rule page.

  7. Click Edit.


    Use Excel integration to bulk edit multiple rules.

    View the page description for the Change Rule page

  8. Update the CHANGE DESCRIPTION with a brief summary of the change being made to the rule.

  9. Update additional fields as necessary.

  10. Click Save.

Relate Rules to Other Assets

Assets can be related to help understand how changes influence other assets and how assets work together to accomplish the overall governance program. Refer to Relationships in the Knowledge Tier help for more information.

Add or update a relationship to a rule. If the existing rule has a relationship, and the relationship is removed from the rule in the Stewardship Tier, the relationship will also be removed from the rule in the Knowledge Tier once the rule is posted.

To add or update a relationship for a rule:

  1. Select Knowledge Tier Connect > Knowledge Tier Upload > Create Rule in the Navigation pane to add a relationship to a new rule.


    Select Knowledge Tier Connect > Knowledge Tier Upload > Change Rule in the Navigation pane to add or change a relationship for an existing rule.

  2. Click the Rule Relationship icon for the rule.

  3. Click Add.

    View the page description for the Rule Relationship Upload page or the Change Rule Relationship page

  4. Select an asset from the TYPE list box.

  5. Select an asset ID from the ID list box.

    NOTE: The ID list box is narrowed down by the asset selected from the TYPE list box.

  6. Select the relationship from the RELATIONSHIP list box.

  7. Click Save.

    NOTE: The READY check box must be enabled to mark the relationship as “ready to post” before the rule can be posted to the Knowledge Tier. Check this check box when the relationship has been reviewed and is ready to be posted. Refer to Review Rule, Mark Ready and Post for more information.

Assign or Change Sponsors for a Rule

Sponsors are users registered in the Knowledge Tier who receive notification in the notification panel and email, depending on their user settings, when changes to the rule are made. Refer to Add a Sponsor to an Asset in the Knowledge Tier help for more information.

Assign or change a sponsor for a rule. If the existing rule has a sponsor, and the sponsor is deleted from the rule in the Stewardship Tier, the sponsor will also be deleted from the rule in the Knowledge Tier once the rule is posted.

To assign or change a sponsor for a rule:

  1. Select Knowledge Tier Connect > Knowledge Tier Upload > Create Rule in the Navigation pane to add a sponsor to a new rule.


    Select Knowledge Tier Connect > Knowledge Tier Upload > Change Rule in the Navigation pane to add or change a sponsor for an existing rule.

  2. Click the Rule Sponsor icon for the rule.

  3. Click Add.

    View the page description for the Rule Sponsor Upload page or the Change Rule Sponsor page

  4. Select a Knowledge Tier user from the USER ID list box.

  5. Click Save.

    NOTE: The READY check box must be enabled to mark the sponsor as “ready to post” before the rule can be posted to the Knowledge Tier. Check this check box when the sponsor has been reviewed and is ready to be posted. Refer to Review Rule, Mark Ready and Post for more information.

Add or Change Supporting Documentation for a Rule

Add any supporting documentation that is relevant to the rule. Supporting documentation is a link to a document, such as on SharePoint or Google docs. Refer to Add Supporting Documentation to Assets in the Knowledge Tier help for more information.

Assign or change supporting documentation for a rule. If the existing rule has supporting documentation, and the supporting documentation is deleted from the rule in the Stewardship Tier, the supporting documentation will also be deleted from the rule in the Knowledge Tier once the rule is posted.

To add or change supporting documentation for a rule:

  1. Select Knowledge Tier Connect > Knowledge Tier Upload > Create Rule in the Navigation pane to add supporting documentation to a new rule.


    Select Knowledge Tier Connect > Knowledge Tier Upload > Change Rule in the Navigation pane to add or change supporting documentation for an existing rule.

  2. Click the Rule Supporting Documentation icon for the rule.

  3. Click Add.

    View the page description for the Rule Supporting Documentation Upload page or the Change Rule Supporting Documentation page

  4. Enter the document name in the NAME field.

  5. Enter a link to the document, such as on SharePoint or a Google document, in the VALUE field.

    NOTE: The Value field must be a URL that begins with “http://” or “https://”

  6. Click Save.

    NOTE: The READY check box must be enabled to mark the supporting documentation as “ready to post” before the rule can be posted to the Knowledge Tier. Check this check box when the supporting documentation has been reviewed and is ready to be posted. Refer to Review Rule, Mark Ready and Post for more information.

Review Rule, Mark Ready and Post

Before a rule can be posted to the Knowledge Tier, all rule relationships, sponsors and supporting documentation must be reviewed and marked as “ready.” Then, the rule can be marked as “ready” and posted.

To review a rule, mark as “ready” and post:

  1. Navigate to each rule relationship, sponsor and supporting documentation.

  2. Review each rule detail and if it is ready to post to the Knowledge Tier, click the READY check box.

  3. Navigate to the rule.

  4. Select the rule and click the Mark Ready icon on the page toolbar if marking one rule as “ready.”


    Use multi-select to select multiple rules and then click the Mark Ready icon on the Page toolbar.

    NOTE: If any rule relationship, sponsor or supporting document has not been marked as “ready,” a validation message displays with a list of what is not ready to be posted. If necessary, return to the asset detail and check the READY check box.

    NOTE: If the rule has been marked as ready, but additional changes need to be made, select the rule and click the Mark Not Ready icon on the page toolbar before making changes.

  5. Select the rule click the Post Asset icon on the page toolbar to post a single rule to the Knowledge Tier.


    Use multi-select to select multiple rules and then click the Post Asset icon on the page toolbar.

    NOTE: Once the rule has been posted, the ID field is populated with the rule ID returned from the Knowledge Tier. Additionally, the Post icon is dimmed to prevent the rule from being uploaded again.

  6. Click the Purge Data icon on the Page toolbar to delete all posted rules. Since rules cannot be posted again, they are deleted to keep the page from being cluttered.