Package - Object Comparison SQL
Use this page to:
- Click Packages in the Navigation pane.
- Click the Packages icon for a Package Group.
- Click the SQL Objects icon for a Package.
- Click one of the links in the columns to view the comparison for that column (NOT IN DEST, DIFFERENT, SAME, QUEUE, ALL). For example, click the link in the NOT IN DEST column to access the page with data that shows where the SQL object is not included in the destination system after the comparison has been run.
Click the Compare SQL icon for an Object Name.
- Click Approval in the Navigation pane.
- Click the View Package icon for a package group approval request.
- Click the SQL Objects icon for a Package.
- Click one of the links in the columns to view the comparison for that column (NOT IN DEST, DIFFERENT, SAME, QUEUE, ALL). For example, click the link in the NOT IN DEST column to access the page with data that shows where the SQL object is not included in the destination system after the comparison has been run.
- Click the Compare SQL icon for an Object Name.
Field |
Description |
Displays the database that stores the object specified in the SQL object name field. |
Displays the name of the SQL object. |
Displays the SQL code for the object as it exists in the host database. |
Displays the SQL code for the object as it exists in the destination database. |