Queue Data to be Transported
Promote has the granularity to move entire tables or specific records within an individual table. If approval mode is enabled, queue data to be transported, submit the package group for approval, wait for the request to be approved and then transport the approved packages within the package group.
By default, all differences (Not in Host, Not in Destination and Different) are queued to be transported.
To select which records are queued for transport:
Select Packages on the Navigation pane.
Click the Packages icon for the package group.
Click the Data icon for the package.
Click one of the hyperlinks:
NOT IN HOST—Displays tables that exist on the destination server, but not on the host server.
NOT IN DEST—Displays tables that exist on the host server, but not on the destination server.
DIFFERENT—Displays tables that exist on both the host and the destination servers, but have different values for columns that are being compared.
SAME—Displays tables that exist on the host and the destination servers, and there are no differences between the columns that are being compared.
Use the toolbar icons Queue All (i.e., transport everything) and Ignore All (i.e., exclude everything) to select what is included in the transport.
Click the Sync Action icon to select (or unselect) an individual record for transport. If NOT IN HOST, then you are choosing to either delete the record from the destination or to keep the record.
To queue all data differences after making changes:
Select Packages on the Navigation pane.
Click the Packages icon for the package group.
Click the Data icon for the package.
Click the Queue Diff icon for a line item; all differences (Not in Host, Not in Destination and Different) are queued to be transported.