System Administration
Assign Keys to Security Role
Once the role is created, keys are assigned to the role. Keys represent values defined in the security definition to which users assigned to the role will have access.
Certain components also require keys be added to security roles when certain objects are added in the component. For example:
- When using ADM, additional steps must be taken when a new context (Wave - Process Area etc.) is created. Add the keys for each new context to the appropriate ADM security role.
- When using Integrate, any new categories must be assigned as a key to the appropriate Integrate security role.
- When using Common, establish User-Specific Security Definitions by adding the data source to be used in Common as a key to the Analyze DataSources description.
NOTE:Once the keys are added, the data sources are listed on the Analyze page in Common to be traced, profiled, or scanned for duplicate data.
- When using Collect, assign keys to the Collect Targets security role definition where the key is the Target name.
To assign keys:
- From the Security Roles page, click the Keys icon for NAME; all security definitions for the role displays.
- Click the Keys icon for DESCRIPTION.
- Select a key from SECURITY DEFINITION KEY ID list box.
View the field descriptions for the Security Role Key Values page
- Click the Add Keys icon.
To remove a key, perform steps 1-3, and then click the Remove Keys icon.