System Administration
Manage Failed Jobs
This section contains the following topics:
View Failed Jobs
When the Services icon on the Site toolbar is yellow, there is a failed job(s) for a component on the site. View the failed job to determine the cause of the failure and to acknowledge the failed job.
To view failed jobs, users must be a member of the Administrator, Power Designer or Power User WebApp groups for System Administration.
There are four ways to view failed jobs:
Click the yellow Services icon on the Site toolbar.
Click Admin > Resources > Jobs (Failed) in the Navigation pane; the Jobs (Failed) page displays.
Click Admin > Resources > All Jobs in the Navigation pane; the All Jobs page displays
Click Admin > Resources > Monitor in the Navigation pane and then, click the Failed icon for a job type; the Failed Jobs page displays.
Once the failed job has been debugged and fixed, acknowledge the job.
Acknowledge Failed Jobs
If there are failed jobs on the site, the Services icon on the Site toolbar is yellow. After the issue that caused the failure has been corrected, a user can acknowledge the failed job(s) to indicate that the issue has been debugged and fixed, and there is no longer a need to keep the failed record. Once all failed jobs on the site have been acknowledged, the Services icon turns from yellow to green.
There are two methods to acknowledge failed jobs:
• Acknowledge a single failed job on the Jobs (Failed) page
• Acknowledge all failed jobs for a service queue on the Queues (Monitor) page
NOTE: Use this method when a large number of jobs must be acknowledged.
To acknowledge a single failed job:
Click the yellow Services icon on the Site toolbar.
Click Acknowledge for a Job ID; the failed job record is removed from the Jobs (Failed) page.
To acknowledge all failed jobs in a service queue:
Select Admin > Resources > Queues in the Navigation pane.
Click the Acknowledge Failures button for the queue.
Start, Stop, or Clear Queues
When troubleshooting issues related to job processing, an Administrator can stop and start queues.
If a job is processing when the user clicks Stop, processing completes but no new jobs are started in the queue.
The queue can also be cleared, which removes records from the log that displays on the Recent Service Activity page. If a job is processing when the user clicks Clear Queue, an error results. It is recommended to stop the service prior to clearing a queue. Queues can be managed on the Queues (Monitor) page,
An Administrator can also set the time when the jobs in a queue start or end, which is useful when scheduling jobs that require extensive resources to complete. Run these jobs at off peak times to have minimal impact on performance. Any jobs still running after the end time has passed will complete, but no new jobs in the queue will start until the next start time.
View the completed jobs in a queue on the Recent Service Activity page.
To set the start or end time for a queue manually:
- Select Admin > Configuration > Service > Queues in the Navigation pane.
Click Edit for a queue.
- Click the START TIME field and use the time picker to set the time.
- Click the END TIME field and use the time picker to set the time.
- Click Save.