
Set Up Schedule Groups

Tables that do not have a Schedule Group set up run multi-thread limited to the number of jobs set in the general queue. The general queue is used for non-Stewardship Tier event processing.

Schedule Groups are used for scheduling a subset of tables and/or to download tables in a single thread. Consider downloading using a single thread when downloading very large tables. While downloading many small tables all together using multi-thread may run efficiently, downloading several large tables together can result in database contention on the data file. In this case, it is more efficient to download the large tables in a sequence using a single thread.

Downloading in a single thread downloads each table completely, in sequence, which allows the user to run post-load rules.For example, the user might download KNA1 followed by KNB1, and then all of the data needed to run post-load update rules to the Customer App tables are available.

Tables are often divided among business teams. Schedule Groups can also be used for business needs to split tables into business teams. The user can use schedule groups to specify the order in which to download tables. This makes sense in a business team scenario where a team is doing a customer load and must refresh the configuration and customer tables, run the rules in Transform and then perform the post-validate process. Because the team does not need to wait for the material tables to download they can be scheduled to download after the configuration and customer tables.

To create a Schedule Group in Collect:

  1. Select Administrative > Schedule Groups in the Navigation pane.
  2. Click Add.

    View the field descriptions for the Schedule Groups page

  3. Enter a unique name in the SCHEDULE GROUP field.

    NOTE: If building a group with a DBMoto®package, the following applies: If Schedule Group is set to NO GROUP, both Download and Mirror package will be built as an individual replication in DBMoto®. If Schedule Group is set to AUTO and if it is a Download package, the replication will be part of a group named <GroupPrefix_Downloads. Otherwise, if it is a Mirror package, the replication will be part of a group called  If Schedule Group is set to "existing group name" with no restriction to the <Group_Size parameter the replication is built into that group. 

    NOTE: The Replication Mode must be consistent with the Replication Group Mode (e.g a download package cannot be grouped with a mirror package).  

  4. Enter a brief group description of the schedule group in the DESCRIPTION field.
  5. Click Save.

Once this is completed, continue with Assign Schedule Group to a Table.

Assign Schedule Group to a Table.

Schedule Groups are used for scheduling a subset of tables and/or to download tables in single thread. Schedule Groups can also be used for business needs to split tables into business teams.

Once the schedule group has been defined, assign the group to a table.

To assign a schedule group to a table:

  1. Click Tables in Navigation pane.
  2. Click Vertical View for Table.
  3. Click Advanced Settings tab.
  4. Click Edit.

    View the field descriptions for the Tables page's Vertical View

  5. Select a group from Schedule Group list box.
  6. Click Save.