Change Collation for a Data Source
NOTE: If a wave has a collation of case sensitive, Data Construction table text columns and columns in list boxes are also case sensitive. Refer to Change Collation for a Wave for more information.
To change collation for a data source:
Select Configuration > Data Source Registry in the Navigation pane.
Click Vertical View for a Data Source with one of the following Application Data Source Types:
Migration Object Database (dsw%)
Target System Database (dg%)
Migration Source Database (sdb%)
Click the Toggle Collation icon; a warning message displays to confirm the data source collation is about to be changed.
NOTE: The Collation Type of all data sources assigned to a wave should be aligned with the Collation Type of the wave. Therefore, if switching a data source’s Collation Type conflicts with one or more of the waves it is assigned to, then a warning message displays to alert the users about the conflict.
Click OK; the Collation Type field is updated with the new collation.