Create an ISA Security Role

A security role is a single unit used to authorize specified security to the assigned user.

The ISA Security Role must be created on site and must have the Collect Target dgRepository_IS assigned to the role as a key.

To create the ISA security role in System Administration:

  1. Select Admin >Security > Security Management > Security Roles in Navigation pane.
  2. Click Add.

    View the field descriptions for the Security Roles page

  3. Enter a unique name of the role, such as ISA, in the NAME field.
  4. Enter a brief description or explanation of the role in DESCRIPTION field.
  5. Select Standard from the ROLE TYPE list box.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Click Keys.
  8. Click Keys for Collect Targets.
  9. Click Edit.

    View the field descriptions for the Role Key Values page.

  10. Select the name of the IS repository (e.g., Target – dgRepository_IS) from the SECURITY DEFINITION KEY ID list box.
  11. Click Save.
  12. Navigate to the Security Roles page.
  13. Click Web App Groups.

  14. Assign Web App Groups to the security role. Refer to WebApp Groups and Assign WebApp Groups to Security Roles for more information.