Create an ISA Security Role
A security role is a single unit used to authorize specified security to the assigned user.
The ISA Security Role must be created on site and must have the Collect Target dgRepository_IS assigned to the role as a key.
To create the ISA security role in System Administration:
- Select Admin >Security > Security Management > Security Roles in Navigation pane.
Click Add.
- Enter a unique name of the role, such as ISA, in the NAME field.
- Enter a brief description or explanation of the role in DESCRIPTION field.
- Select Standard from the ROLE TYPE list box.
- Click Save.
- Click Keys.
- Click Keys for Collect Targets.
Click Edit.
- Select the name of the IS repository (e.g., Target – dgRepository_IS) from the SECURITY DEFINITION KEY ID list box.
- Click Save.
- Navigate to the Security Roles page.
Click Web App Groups.
- Assign Web App Groups to the security role. Refer to WebApp Groups and Assign WebApp Groups to Security Roles for more information.