
To access this page, select Information Steward Accelerator > Configuration > Parameters in the Navigation pane.

This page has the following tabs:




Process Rules

Click to process all rules immediately.

NOTE: Every hour a service page runs that processes all rules.

Generate Summary Workflows

Click to generate summary workflows, an email that contains a summary table listing the rules and number of failed records for each rule for a project distribution. User must be configured to receive summary workflows on the Users page.

Send Workflows

Click to send workflow emails to all users for the rules generated by the Process Rules action. Users who have the WORKFLOW OPTION set to No Workflow on the Users page do not receive workflow emails. Workflows are sent when rules have been run in IS (with a slight delay for processing time).

NOTE: Every 10 minutes a service page runs that checks if the rules have been run in IS and sends the workflow email if they have.


Click to reset rule processing if an error occurs. All rules are processed again.

Basic Settings



Attachment Directory

Displays the directory where the attachment files are stored. Rules are kept based on the parameter Days to Retain Files.

NOTE: If the Attachment Directory does not exist on the local file system, this directory will be created the first time rules are processed.

Days to Retain Files

Displays number of days rules are kept in the Attachment Directory.

NOTE: If Distributions are configured to use the Schedule ID for sending workflows (instead of sending on the same day as processing), this value must be at least equal to the number of days in the longest schedule registered to a Project Distribution.

Max Attachment Size In Bytes

Displays the maximum file size for the .xlsx attachments on workflow emails. If the file size exceeds this number, the file will not be attached to an email.

NOTE: Maximum Email Attachment File Size in the Stewardship Tier is defaulted to 500000000 (in bytes). An Administrator must increase this setting on the System Administration Parameters page  if the setting in ISA is increased (the ISA setting is 1048576 to reflect the default size of 1MB).

Days to Retain History

Displays the number of days the workflow history is retained. The workflow history can be accessed on the Workflow page.

Days to Retain Metrics

Displays the number of days that metric data, which displays on the ISA dashboard is retained. This value cannot exceed 10.

Delete Duplicated Workflow

If enabled, if duplicate workflows are created for a user because of settings at the user level and the distribution level, a duplicate workflow is not sent.  

Refer to Schedule Workflow Notifications for more information.

Rebuild Rule Binding Columns

If checked, before rules are processed, a sync process runs to locate any new, deleted or moved rule bindings that are out of sync with ISFailedData tables.

The results of this process are visible on the Inconsistent Rule Bindings page.

From Email

Displays the email address that sends the workflow emails.

Trace Level

Displays the level to use when displaying messages on the log. Values are

  • Debug – All messages are displayed.
  • Disabled – No messages are displayed.
  • Error  - Messages with a severity of Error display.
  • Fatal - Messages with a severity of Fatal display.
  • Information - Messages with a severity of information display.
  • Warning - Messages with a severity of Warning  display.


Click to open the Log page to view errors based on the Trace Level.

Information Steward Settings




Displays the protocol used to connect to IS, used in the scorecard link included in workflow emails.

NOTE: Do not include the ://. For example, enter http or https.


Displays the name of the server used to connect to IS, used in the scorecard link included in workflow emails.


Displays the name of the port to connect to IS, used in the scorecard link included in workflow emails.

Update Project Scorecard Link

Click to update the scorecard link included in workflow emails if the server or port changes.

Attachment Settings



Attachment Subject

Displays the text that appears in the subject line of the workflow email for users who have the Send Attachments WORKFLOW OPTION set on the Users page.

Attachment Body

Displays the body text that appears in the subject line of the workflow email for users who have the Send Attachments WORKFLOW OPTION set on the Users page.

Attachment Workflow Translation

Click to open the Workflow Template page to update the workflow template used for sending attachments.

Summary Settings



Summary Subject

Displays the text that appears in the subject line of the workflow email for users who have the Send Summary WORKFLOW OPTION set on the Users page.

Summary Body

Displays the body text that appears in the subject line of the workflow email for users who have the Send Summary WORKFLOW OPTION set on the Users page.

Summary Workflow Translation

Click to open the Workflow Template page to update the workflow template used for sending summaries.

Show Zero Cnt Email Recs

If checked, records with no failures display on the email summary sent to users. If unchecked, records with no failures do not display on the summary email.