Rule Binding Detail

To access this page:

  1. Click Information Steward Accelerator > Project Summary in the Navigation pane.
  2. Click the Distributions icon for a project.
  3. Click the Rules icon for a distribution.
  4. Click the Bindings icon.
  5. Click the Rule Binding ID link.

This page has the following tabs:

General tab



Project ID

Displays the project that contains the rule and rule binding.

Rule ID

Displays the name of the rule as added in IS.

Rule Binding ID

Displays the name of the table and columns to which the selected rule is bound.


Displays a user-entered description that provides additional information about the rule. The description is available in workflow email, on the report accessed through the Report Data Viewer, and in the Excel file sent as an attachment to a workflow email.


Displays information about how to resolve records that fail for this rule and rule binding.

NOTE: This value displays on the Excel file sent to users in a Project Distribution to assist in interpreting the failed data on reports.


Displays information about the implication of failed data for this rule and rule binding, including downstream issues or other rule and rule binding combinations that may be affected.

NOTE: This value displays on the Excel file sent to users in a Project Distribution to assist in interpreting the failed data on reports.

Documentation tab

External Reference

Displays hyperlinks and supporting commentary that demonstrate the connection from data-related assets in the Stewardship Tier to external references in other platforms and applications.

Syniti recommends a rule and rule binding be linked to a Term, Rule, Data Set or System in Syniti Cloud.