
BDC Screen Conditionals

To access this page:

  1. Select Integrate > Categories from Navigation pane.
  2. Click the Templates icon for a category.
  3. Locate the template with a type of BDC Script.
  4. Click Vertical View.
  5. Click Configuration tab.
  6. Click BDC Screen icon.
  7. Click Vertical View for a screen.
  8. Click the Conditionals icon.




Displays the name of the field returned from the BDC script that should have the data condition. Only one conditional can be configured per BDC screen. If the data condition is true, the resulting posting script includes the data from the process template field mappings associated with the screen.  If the data condition is false, the screen will be left out of the posting script. Each conditional is data-record specific so that if 10 records are posted, Integrate evaluates the conditional for each data record and applies it to the data in that record only.  If there is no conditional applied to a screen, the posting script includes the screen.


Displays the operator for the condition. Values are:

Less Than  < , Less Than or Equals  <= , Not Equal  <> , Equals  = , Greater Than  > , Greater Than or Equals  >= , Between, Contains, Ends With, Starts With.


Displays the value used by the condition.