Configure an XML Template
Review the steps to create and transfer XML files.
An XML template, when added to a process and posted, will create an XML file. Though a User Defined template, the registration of an XML file varies from the setup of a Fixed Width or Delimited template as an XML file has several additional options.
NOTE: Begin template creation on the Template page in Horizontal View. Refer to Create a Basic Template for more information.
To add structures to an XML template on the Vertical View of the Template page:
- Select XML in the User Defined Template Type list box.
- Click Save.
- Click Edit.
- Click Configuration tab.
- Select [None] from the Fixed Width Pad Location list box.
- Click Save.
- Click General tab.
Click Define.
View the field descriptions for the Structure page.
NOTE: The Structure page displays a Root Node record that cannot be deleted and is the first level in the XML file’s hierarchical structure. The Fields button is disabled for this record. No fields can be added for this structure. Fields are added to child structures.
NOTE: The Root Node’s priority is set to 1. The priority sets the order the structure appears in the generated XML file. Integrate automatically sets the priority for all structures. A user cannot update the priority.
- Click Edit.
Enter a name for the structure in NAME. In the example, the user entered VENDORS.
NOTE: All of the child structures in the file, with corresponding elements and attributes, appear below this Root Node when Integrate generates the XML file.
- Enter additional information about the structure in Description. In the example, the user entered Vendor Master.
Enter a name that is the first level of the hierarchy in the XML file to be generated in ELEMENT NAME. The user entered <VENDORS>.
NOTE: The Element Name is used when mapping the template to data via a process and is the name of the element in the resulting XML file. After the structure is saved, the Element name displays in the Horizontal View surrounded by the tag characters <>.
NOTE: Because XML is a hierarchical structure, each element added to the template must be added as a child of an existing structure.
Click Add Child Structure.
NOTE: The new structures display in the order they were added on the Structure page. The PRIORITY field indicates which child structures are below others in the hierarchy. For example, the root node (VENDORS) structure’s priority is 1. A child structure (also called an element) added to this structure is assigned a priority of 1.1. Another child structure (element) added to the root node structure has a priority of 1.2. The child structures for Vendor Information and General Data is added in the steps below. Integrate assigns a child structure added to an element the priority of 1.1.1.
- Enter a name for the structure in NAME. The user entered Vendor.
- Enter additional information about the structure in DESCRIPTION. The user entered VendorInformation.
- Enter a name in ELEMENT NAME. The user entered <Vendor>
Click Save.
NOTE: The first child structure (Vendor) displays with the priority 1.1 and displays beneath the parent structure (VENDORS). The Element Name is indented below the Root Node.
- Click Add Child Structure for the Root Node.
- Enter a name for the structure in NAME. The user entered General Data.
- Enter additional information about the structure in DESCRIPTION. The user entered General Data.
- Enter a name in ELEMENT NAME. The user entered <GeneralData>.
Click Save.
NOTE: The second child structure (General Data) displays with the priority 1.2 and at the same level in the hierarchy as the first child structure (Vendor) added (with the priority 1.1).
- Click Add Child Structure for a structure. The user selected General Data.
- Enter a name for the structure in NAME. The user entered Address.
- Enter additional information about the structure in DESCRIPTION. The user entered VendorAddressInfo.
- Enter a name in ELEMENT NAME. The user entered <Address>.
Click Save.
NOTE: Integrate assigns this child structure (Address) a priority of 1.1.1
Once these structures have been added and saved, the Structure page displays with the data.
To add fields (elements and attributes) to a structure:
Click the Fields icon to add fields to the selected structure. The user selected Address.
NOTE: If no fields have been added to an element the icon does not display a number.
Enter a value in PRIORITY.
NOTE: The PRIORITY sets the display order for the field in the XML document, if the field is an element.
Enter a field name in NAME. The user entered Street.
NOTE: The name is used when mapping the template to data via a process, so should be the equivalent of a column name in the view in SQL that contains the data to map. Refer to Add Data to be Included in the XML file in SQL for more information.
- Enter details about the field in DESCRIPTION. The user entered Street Address.
Select an option in the ELEMENT ATTRIBUTE list box. The user selected Element.
NOTE: Refer to Elements and Attributes for more information.
Enter the output of the field in OUTPUT. The user entered street.
NOTE: The OUTPUT column allows a user to set how the Element or Attribute displays in the resulting XML file.
Click the INCLUDE IF EMPTY check box.
NOTE: If the check box is selected and no value exists for the element, the field will still be included in the XML file.
Click Save.
NOTE: This page uses persistent insert, which means that when a user adds an element or attribute and saves it, an empty row displays ready to accept data for the next element or attribute. Click Cancel to close persistent insert to configure attributes, if necessary.
Click the Attribute icon if the field is an element (if Element has been selected in the ELEMENT ATTRIBUTE list box).
NOTE: This example does not cover adding an Attribute.
NOTE: If the field is an attribute, the Attribute icon is disabled. Refer to the section for more information.
Enter a value in PRIORITY.
NOTE: The PRIORITY sets the display order for the attribute attached to the element in the XML document.
- Enter an attribute name in NAME.
- Enter details about the field in DESCRIPTION.
Click Save.
NOTE: The Fields icon displays the number of fields added to each structure.
- Navigate to the Template page's Vertical View.
- Click Documentation tab.
- Click Report.
Verify the structures and elements and attributes have been added to the template correctly.
NOTE: Like the Street element added to the Address child structure in the example above, the General Data child structure had fields added. In this case, VendorNumber, Name, and Search term were added.
Once the user finishes adding the elements to this structure, and completes the other steps necessary to create and transfer files, Integrate generates the following XML file.