
Add Relationship Joins to Sources

Relationship joins support the automation of rules built for Update Row Sources within mapping, where rules are automatically created and registered in Transform. Joins are only required if there is an Update Row Source AND if rule automation is used. If rules are being manually created in Transform, relationship joins are not needed.

Add relationship joins between the Add Row and the Update Row Source(s) where  the Source information and Source criterion are coming from a table other than the Add Row table being mapped. The join indicates how the table in the Add Row Source is joined to the table in the Update Row Source so the update rules can be created and registered in Transform.

Refer to Update Row Sources Overview for more information.

Relationship joins between Add Row and Update Row Sources are created automatically if the Add Row Source table has a primary key and the key also exists on the Update Row Source table. In this case, the left table in the join is the ST table of the Add Row Source and the right table is the Rule Source Table.

If the Add Row Source does not have a primary key and/or the primary key columns on the Add Row Source do not exist on the Update Row Source database Object, the relationship setting the Rule Source Table to the ST Table for the Update Row Source is created, but the user must create the join manually.

For example, if the Add Row Source table is Product (as in, the LEFT TABLE is stMARC_AW_Product), and the Update Row Source table is ProductInventory (i.e., the RIGHT TABLE is stAW_ProductInventory), a join would be set up on the keys between the two tables, the ProductID field.

NOTE: The system creates joins from the Add Row to Update Row Source automatically for matching natural key fields in the Source system. When joining an Add Row to a Construct table, the joins are from the zLegacy keys on the Add Row Source table to the zLegacy keys on the Construct table.

NOTE: If the relationship is being used in a field mapping, the relationship cannot be deleted until it is removed from the field mapping.

To add relationships to a Source in Map:

  1. Click ProcessArea in the Navigation pane.
  2. Click the Targets icon on the Process Area Launch page.
  3. Click the Sources icon for a Target.
  4. Click the Update Row Sources icon for a Source.
  5. Click the Secondary Source icon for an Add Row Source.
  6. Click the Relationships icon for the Add Row Source.
  7. If no records exist, the page displays in add mode. Otherwise, click Add.

    View the field descriptions for the Relationship Joins page

  8. Enter name of relationship in NAME field, for example, Product Inventory.
  9. Enter name of Source table in RIGHT TABLE field, for example, ProductInventory.
  10. Click Save.
  11. Click Vertical View for the relationship join to add a WHERE clause.

    NOTE: Enter a WHERE clause, if necessary, to apply the join correctly during auto-generation.

  12. Click Edit.

    View the field descriptions for the Relationship Joins page

  13. Enter a filter in Where Clause field.
  14. Click Save.
  15. Close the Vertical View.
  16. Click the Fields icon.
  17. If no records exist, the page displays in Add mode. Otherwise, click Add.

    View the field descriptions for the Relationship Fields page

  18. Enter the priority used to build the join in the PRIORITY field.
  19. Select name of the table on the left of the join from the LEFT TABLE list box, for example, stMARC_AW_Product.

    NOTE: The LEFT TABLE must exist in the Object's database (when processed) since this is the database where the joins are generated and executed. By default, this is the ST table of the Add Row Source.

  20. Select the name of the field in the LEFT TABLE from the LEFT FIELD list box, for example, ProductID.
  21. Select the name of the table on the right of the join from the RIGHT TABLE list box, for example, stAW_ProductInventory.

    NOTE: The RIGHT TABLE must exist in the Object's database (when processed) since this is the database where the joins are generated and executed. Update Row views are created when the Update Row is added to the Add Row Source if the table doesn’t exist. It is defaulted to the Rule Source Table.

  22. Select the name of the field in the RIGHT TABLE from the RIGHT FIELD list box, for example, ProductID.
  23. Click Save.