Build a Remediation Report
Target Remediation allows a remediation rule to be registered to an error report. Remediation rules are used only when there is a need to temporarily fix a data issue so the affected records can be loaded into a test environment.
Once Transform has processed Target data, it generates error reports. Based on these reports, a user may create remediation rules to correct erroneous values so that the data can be loaded successfully into the Target system using a load tool.
Refer to Register Target Remediation Rules and View Remediation Rule Information for more information.
NOTE: This process requires the user to move between Map, Target Design, AutoGen and Transform. Use the Context bar at the top of the page to move between the components.
The process for building a remediation report for a field that uses an Xref or RuleXref action is different than the process for building a remediation report for fields that use any other action.
To build a remediation report for field mappings with an Xref or Rule Xref action:
In Map, perform and complete an Xref or Rule Xref field mapping for a field with a check table (for example field BSTME on ttMARA with check table T006).
NOTE: A mapping with an action of Xref or Rule Xref is required for Value Mapping. Refer to Xref and RuleXref for more information.
NOTE: A lookup table must be assigned to the field in Target Design to build the report. Refer to Set Up Lookup Tables for more information.
NOTE: To build a remediation report, a Remediation value must be set in Map for check tables for the field. To set the value, access the Vertical View of the Field Mappings page for the field and enter the value in the Remediation Value field.
NOTE: The field mapping must be approved on the Mapping Approval page.
- Select Configuration > Value Mapping (Config) in the Navigation pane.
- Click the Refresh icon for the check table; a confirmation message displays.
Click OK.
NOTE: The REMEDIATION VALUE field displays the first value from the check table pulled in via the Refresh.
NOTE: If the REMEDIATION VALUE needs to be updated, click Edit, select a new REMEDIATION VALUE from the drop down list and click Save.
NOTE: This value is only used in Transform for Check table defaulting on MOCK loads. This value should not be used for Go-Lives.
- In AutoGen (select the gold Automation tab on the Quick Panel), select the Object that contains the Target for which the remediation rule is to be built.
- Click the BUILD REPORTS WITH REMEDIATION icon; a confirmation message displays.
Click OK;a message displays that the Target reports with remediation has been built.
- Click Transform in the Context bar.
- Click the Targets icon.
- Click the Reports icon for the Target with the check table.
- Locate the Target field with the REPORT TYPE of Target Readiness.
- Click Execute.
The Target report is processed and any records that need to be remediated will be processed by the remediation rule.
A summary of the report displays in Transform on the Target Remediation Overview page.
To build a remediation report for fields that are mapped using actions other than Xref or RuleXref actions :
- Select Design from the Context bar.
- Click the Targets icon.
Click Edit for an active field on the Target Fields page that does not have a check table.
Select an option from the REQUIRED TYPE list box. Values are:
- Business Required – This field is required to meet a business rule.
- Technical Required - This field is required so that processes may run, data can be saved, or for some other reason that allows the field to be mapped or used in migration.
- Conditional – This field is required under certain conditions related to Target rules.
- Optional – This field is not required.
- Click Save.
- In Map, click the Mappings icon for the Target.
- Click Vertical View for the {Target Rules} field mappings.
Click Edit.
View the field descriptions for the Field Mappings page's Vertical View
- Enter a value in the Remediation Value field.
- Enter a value in the Remediation Comment field.
- Click Save.
- Click Map in the Context bar.
- Click the Targets icon on Process Area Launch page.
- Select a Target.
- Click the Build Reports with Remediation icon on the Page toolbar; a confirmation message displays.
- Click OK.
- Click Transform in the Context bar.
- Click the Targets icon.
- Click the Reports icon for a Target.
Locate the Target field with the REPORT TYPE of Target Readiness.
NOTE: The count on the TR icon displays 1.
- Click Execute. The Target report is processed and any records that need to be remediated will be processed by the remediation rule.
A summary of the report displays in Transform on the Target Remediation Overview page.