
Package - Data Comparison Records

  1. Click Packages in the Navigation pane.
  2. Click the Packages icon for a Package Group.
  3. Click the Data icon for a Package.
  4. Click the linked column to access the page with that data. For example, click the link in the NOT IN HOST column to access the page with data that shows where the table is not included in the host system after the comparison has been run.


  1. Click Approval in the Navigation pane.
  2. Click the View Package icon for a package group approval request.
  3. Click the Data icon for a Package.
  4. Click the linked column to access the page with that data. For example, click the link in the NOT IN HOST column to access the page with data that shows where the table is not included in the host system after the comparison has been run.



Queue All

Click to add all items to the transport queue.

Ignore All

Click to unmark all the records, excluding all records from the transport queue.


Displays the status of the comparison between the host and the destination servers. Options are:

  • Not in Host—Record should be deleted from destination.

  • Not in Destination—Record should be created in destination.

  • Different—Destination record should be updated.

  • Same—No change necessary.


Click to toggle from Ignore to Send to Ignore. By default, all differences are added to the queue to be transported. If any differences should not be queued, click this Sync Action icon to toggle off and exclude the difference from the transport.

The image and associated hover tip identify whether a record is going to be ignored or sent when transported.


Displays the record that is in the host or the destination server. If the Different link was clicked, two records display to easily compare the records in the host and the destination server.