Configure Sample Size
A sample size is used with a sampling method on Target audit reports to set the number of random rows to be verified by users. This process allows a certain number of rows from very large Targets to be selected at random for quality verification prior to, or subsequent to, a data load.
Users should decide from an auditing perspective what sample size is acceptable and choose the method that will give them that sampling size. For example, if users select method ANSI/ASQC Z1.4 GI III and have 4500 records then they will get 3
If the provided sample sizes do not produce the number of records that you need, you can create your own.
Sample sizes delivered with the Stewardship Tier cannot be edited, but a sample size can be added. To modify a sample size, delete the record and add a new one.
To add a sample size in Transform:
- Access Transform.
- Select Configuration > Setup > Sampling Methods(Setup) in the Navigation pane.
Click the Sample Size icon next to the sampling method you want to use. For example, ANSI/ASQC Z1.4 GI I or Square Root.
NOTE: This is the method used in Transform if it meets auditing requirements.
NOTE: Using the number of records in your table, locate the range that it falls between. The sample size will determine how many sample records will be returned.
Click Add.
View the field descriptions for the Sample Sizes (Setup) page.
Enter a value in the RANGE LOW field.
NOTE: The value entered for RANGE LOW must be smaller than the number of records in the table.
Enter a value in the RANGE HIGH field.
NOTE: The value entered for RANGE HIGH must be larger than the number of records in the table.
Enter a value in the SAMPLE SIZE field.
NOTE: This is the number of records to return based on the low/high range and is a hard-required field.
- Enter text in the COMMENT field.
- Click Save.