Master Data Management

Business Process H

Business Process V

To access this page:

  1. Select Master Data Management >Design in the Navigation pane.
  2. Click the Business Processes icon for the category.




Click to activate one or more business processes selected on the page.


Click to deactivate one or more business processes selected on the page.

NOTE: When a business process is deactivated, it is no longer available on the Content WebApp Request Page.


Displays the business process name.


Displays the description of the business process.


Click to activate or deactivate the business process.

To deactivate or activate multiple business processes, select the rows, and then click the Deactivate or Activate icon on the toolbar.

NOTE: The business process can be deactivated regardless of the status by unchecking the ACTIVE check box.


Displays the status of the business process.

Values are:

  • In Design - Business Process is being changed.
  • Design Complete - Business Process changes are complete but have not been approved.
  • Pending Approval - Business Process changes are awaiting approval.
  • Design Rejected - Business Process changes have been rejected. 
  • Design Approved - Business Process changes have been completed and have been approved.
  • Published - Business Process changes have been approved, and the business process is available for use.


Click to open the Business Process (Scenarios) page to add a scenario. Refer to Add a Scenario for more information.

Business Process Report

Click to open the Element Report Frame page that displays basic information about the business process, including scenarios in the business process and the position that can access the business process.

Business Process Visualization

Click to open the Business Process Visualization page to view a diagram of the current configuration of the business process including roles and tasks for the associated scenarios and any scenario and role dependencies.

Refer to View Business Process Visualization for more information.

Business Process V

Business Process H

This page contains the following tabs:





Displays the business process name.


Displays the description of the business process.


Displays the owner of the business process.

Defaults to the parent category owner. A different owner can be selected.


Displays the status of the business process.

Values are:

  • In Design - Business process is being changed.
  • Design Complete - Business process changes are complete but have not been approved.
  • Pending Approval - Business process changes are awaiting approval.
  • Design Rejected - Business process changes have been rejected. 
  • Design Approved - Business process changes have been completed and have been approved.
  • Published - Business process changes have been approved, and the business process is available for use.


Click to activate or deactivate the business process.

NOTE: The business process can be deactivated regardless of the status by unchecking the ACTIVE check box.


Click to open the Element Documentation page to upload or download documentation regarding the business process.

Refer to Upload Documentation at the Business Process Level for more information.

Business Process Report

Click to open the Element Report Frame page that displays basic information about the business process, including scenarios in the business process and the position that can access the business process.


Click to open the dashboard for the business process. Refer to View Charts in MDM for more information about the charts displayed on the dashboard .

Business Value Dashboard

Click to open the business value dashboard for the business process. Refer to View Business Value Dashboard for more information about the charts displayed on the dashboard.


Displays comments regarding the business process.

Business Value Parameters

Baseline Hours

Displays a baseline of the number of working hours that it took to complete a business process manually before the process was automated using MDM as determined by the Process Designer. Refer to Configure Business Value Parameters for more information.

NOTE: Enter working hours in whole units. Partial hours (decimals) are not allowed.

Current Application Currency

Displays the currency related to the Average Cost Per Hour field.

The currency symbol displayed here is set on the Parameters page. Refer to Set Currency Display Label for more information.

Average Cost Per Hour

Displays a baseline cost value for the average per hour of all costs associated with completing the business process manually before the process was automated using MDM, including fixed cost as determined by the Process Designer.

NOTE: The average cost per hour value is based currency displayed in the Current Application Currency field.

Refer to Configure Business Value Parameters for more information.

Calculate Archived Request Working Hours

Click to run a process that populates any missing metrics in ttRequestWorkingHours for all finished but unarchived requests and populates all missing metrics in rtRequestWorkingHours for all finished archived requests.

NOTE: You must enter the Baseline Hours and Avg. Cost Per Hour values and click Save before you can see the Calculate Archived Request Working Hours button.

Copy Options



Original Name

Displays the name of the business process to be copied

Original Description

Displays the description of the business process to be copied.

New Name

Displays the name of the new business process created as a result of copying the setup of an existing business process.

NOTE: The business process name must be unique across all Categories.

New Description

Displays the description of the new business process created as a result of copying an existing business process.


Click to create a copy of the selected business process displayed in the Original Name field.