
Structures - Data Parent Tables

To access this page:

  1. Click Configuration > Structure Data in the Navigation pane.
  2. Click the Tables icon for a Structure Data.




Displays the data source that contains the parent table for the Structure Data.


Displays the sort order for the parent tables.


Displays the name of the parent table.


Click to view the Structures - Data Table Columns page to view and configure columns for the parent table. Refer to Set up New Structure Data for Packages for more information.

Sub Tables

Click to view the Structures - Data Sub Tables page to add child tables. Refer to Add Sub Tables for more information.


If checked, the Compare and Sync check boxes are unchecked on the Structures - Data Table Columns page for all columns associated with the table. Columns needed to identify the record must be manually set to compare and sync. Additionally, during the compare process, a table identified as a Pass Though table is by default not added to the queue for transport.

If unchecked, the Compare and Sync check boxes are checked on the Structures - Data Table Columns page for all columns associated with the table.

NOTE: If a table is selected as being a "Pass Through" table it means that the table is required only to support the selection of records at a lower level. It is recommended that a few fields are selected in order to identify the record when the package is compared for transport.