
All Reports All Users

To access this page in Transform:

  1. Click the Targets icon on the Process Area Launch page.
  2. Click the Reports icon for a Target.
  3. Click the Vertical View icon for the report.
  4. Click the Business User Settings tab.
  5. Click the Sensitive check box to check it.
  6. Click the Business User Assignment icon.



Add User

Click to assign the selected user to the report.

Remove User

Click to remove access for the selected user to the report.

Grant Access To Sensitive Data

Click to grant the selected user access to sensitive data.

Revoke Access To Sensitive Data

Click to revoke access to sensitive data from the selected user.


Displays a user name who is assigned as a Business User or Developer at the Object level in Console and the Target level in Target Design.


If checked, the user is assigned to the report and can view the report on Report Delivery pages and can add the report to their own Report Quick List.


If checked, the user is granted all access permission to the sensitive report and can view the report’s content.

If unchecked, the user will see the report on their All Reports page, but will not be able to view its contents or download the .xlsx file version of it. The user will be able to see the record count for the sensitive data report.