
Use an Integrate Process as an Export Type

This task is performed by a System Administrator, or any user who has access to the Wave and Process Area.

Before registering a Target export with an Export Type of Integrate, the Target export view must be manually created in SQL server along with the Target export tables. The view must be named using the naming convention set in Common on the Parameters – Integrate page. The default naming convention is tx*int.

In Integrate, the process must use this target export view stored in the *.dsw database.

Transform does not load data into an ERP system; it stages data for export. Target exports are the last sets of rules to move the Target data to a location so that it can be staged for an ERP system using a loading tool such as Integrate.

An Integrate process, or a series of posting steps:

  • Defines how Integrate takes data from the Stewardship Tier and transfers it to SAP
  • Serves to link the data in a column in a view with a field on a template assigned to the process

Refer to Manage Processes for more information.

To use an Integrate process as an Export Type in Transform:

  1. Access Transform.
  2. Click the Targets icon on the Process Area Launch page.
  3. Click the Exports icon for a Target.
  4. Click Add.

    View the field descriptions for the Target Exports page.

  5. Enter a sort value in the PRIORITY field.

    NOTE: If multiple exports exist for the Target, the Priority determines the order the export is processed.

  6. Select a value from the STATUS list box.
  7. Select a Target from the TARGET EXPORT list box.

    NOTE: This is the manually created view in SQL server.

  8. Select Integrate from the EXPORT TYPE list box.
  9. Select Integrate from the LOAD TYPE list box, if applicable.

    NOTE: This field is for documentation purposes only.

  10. Click Save; the Vertical View displays.
  11. Select an Integrate process from the Export Name list box.

    NOTE: For Integrate processes to display in this list box, they must be named using the naming convention set in Common on the Parameters – Integrate page. The default naming convention tx*int.

  12. Click Save.
  13. Close the Vertical View.
  14. Click OK.

    NOTE: If a process takes less than 0.5 seconds to run, the duration in the DURATION field is 0.

  15. Click Integrate in the Context bar.
  16. Click the Processes icon for a category to access the process used to load data.