Master Data Management

Replace an Element Document

A Designer has the ability to replace the current file with an updated version of the file or a completely different file.

Before performing this task:

Add one of the following elements depending on which one the user is working with at the moment:

To replace an element document:

  1. Select Master Data Management> Design in the Navigation pane.
  2. Click the Roles, Tasks, Scenarios or Business Processes icon for a category.
  3. Click VerticalView for a record.
  4. Click the Documentation icon.
  5. Click the Replace File icon.
  6. Click the New File Name And Path icon.
  7. Follow the browser specific instructions that are presented to upload the file.
  8. Click the Replace File icon; a confirmation message appears.
  9. Click OK.

The new file name displays in the File NAME field on the Element Documentation page.