
Package - Messages

Use this page to View Logs.

  1. Click Packages in the Navigation pane.
  2. Click the Packages icon for a Package Group.
  3. Click the Log icon for a Package.


  1. Click Approval in the Navigation pane.
  2. Click the View Packages icon for an Approval Group.
  3. Click the Log icon for Package.




If checked, the message is new. Once the compare or the transport process runs for the package, the message is removed from this page.

NOTE: There is no case where the NEW check box would be unchecked.


Displays the level of the log record. Options are:

  • Circle with "i"—everything is normal and successful.

  • Yellow triangle— Warning; there is something to verify. Warning messages are often caused by an inner or outer naming issue, or a registration exists on the destination server that will be deleted when the Transport icon is clicked.

NOTE: Click the Fix INNER/OUTER Naming Issue icon on the Packages page's Vertical View to automatically fix naming issues. To resolve the naming issue, the views are dropped and then recreated. If a naming issue is fixed, click the Compare button and this warning message disappears.


Displays the type of process that ran. Options are:

  • Compare— the table data and SQL objects in the host server are compared to that in the destination server.

  • Transport— table data and SQL objects queued for transport have been transported.


Displays the message related to the process.


Displays the date and time the process (i.e., the Run Type) ran.


Displays the user name of who ran the last process.

Message Detail

Click to open the Package - Messages Detail page to view details of error messages returned during the compare and transport processes.