
Add Structure Data Filters

Structure Data filters are added to packages to select the data being compared across environments and transported.

There are three ways that structure data filters can be applied:

  1. Use a Simple Selection list. If a simple selection field is defined in the Structure Data, users can select a single value to filter the package on.

  2. Use a WHERE clause. If Simple Selection filtering (i.e., filtering of a single object) is not enough, use the advanced filtering and enter any valid SQL WHERE clause.

  3. Use additional filters to apply filters to different points in the structure hierarchy within the package.

NOTE: For a specific filter level, for example, Filter 1 or Filter 2 of the additional filters, users must use either no filter, simple selection or a WHERE clause. Each filter level should focus on different levels in the structure data hierarchy.

Use a Simple Selection List

Use Simple Selection to filter on a specific column within the selected Structure Data Focus. Allowable Simple Selection columns are configured in the Structure Data. From there, a specific value within the selected column can be chosen to filter the package. This functionality is useful when there is a requirement to select only a single value to drive the selection of records to be transported.

To use a simple selection list:

  1. Select Packages in the Navigation pane.

  2. Click the Packages icon for the package group.

  3. Click Vertical View for the package.

  4. Click the Data Structure tab.

  5. Click Edit.

    View the page description for the Packages page

  6. Select a table from the Structure Data Focus list box. Use this field to select at which level within the structure to base the comparison/transport on.

  7. Select a column from the Structure Data Focus_Simple Field list box. This list box is controlled by the columns on the Structure - Data Table Columns page with Simple Selection enabled.

  8. Select a value from the Structure Data Focus_Simple Value list box to define the filter. Only records and those of associated child tables defined by the filter for the single value are included in the compare process.

  9. Click Save.

Use a WHERE Clause

Use a SQL WHERE clause to filter records that are included in the comparison. This feature is helpful to select a record set to compare where complex selection criteria is needed.

To filter with a WHERE clause to a package:

  1. Select Packages in the Navigation pane.

  2. Click the Packages icon for the package group.

  3. Click Vertical View for the package.

  4. Click the Data Structure tab.

  5. Click Edit.

    View the page description for the Packages page

  6. Enter a WHERE clause in the Structure Data Focus_Adv Where Clause field.

  7. Click Save, a validation runs to ensure valid SQL syntax has been applied.

Use Additional Filters

The additional filters allow users to apply filter criteria at different points in the structure data hierarchy. Users can add secondary filters to tables lower down the structure to further reduce selection of records for comparison. For example, users can select a field from a specific wave and a column from a process area as package filters.

NOTE: If additional filters are used, Simple Selection and traditional WHERE clauses cannot be applied to the package.

To use additional filters to a package:

  1. Select Packages in the Navigation pane.

  2. Click the Packages icon for the package group.

  3. Click Vertical View for the package.

  4. Click the Data Structure tab.

  5. Click Edit.

    View the page description for the Packages page

  6. Populate the applicable fields under the Additional Filters label.

  7. Click Save.