Queue SQL Objects to be Transported
Promote has the granularity to move entire databases, specific SQL objects and their dependencies, and even data within SQL tables. Promote has the option to protect databases, which means they will never be moved, even if differences are detected, and to temporarily unprotect databases to transport SQL objects.
Many Syniti solutions are driven by views, stored procedures, functions and tables. Any given project could have 100s or 1000s of these SQL objects. The comparison process identifies for a given database what the object is and what is different or the same. In Promote, users can see the items side-by-side.
By default, all SQL objects that do not exist in the destination or are different between the host and destination are queued, with the exception of the following:
SQL objects that have been manually excluded from the package
Auto Ignore Objects
Either decide to queue the change, or if the object is a table, enable the KEEP DEST DATA check box on the Package - Object Comparison page to create/recreate the table in the destination while keeping the data that already exists in the destination. Conversely, click the Send Data Toggle icon to transport data within the SQL table to the destination.
To select which SQL objects are queued for transport:
Select Packages on the Navigation pane.
Click the Packages icon for the package group.
Click the SQL Objects icon for the package.
Click one of the hyperlinks:
NOT IN DEST—Displays tables that exist on the host server, but not on the destination server.
DIFFERENT—Displays tables that exist on both the host and the destination servers, but have different values for columns that are being compared.
SAME—Displays tables that exist on the host and the destination servers, and there are no differences between the columns that are being compared.
QUEUE— Displays all tables that have been selected to be transported.
ALL— Displays all records on the selected table.
Use the toolbar icons Send All Objects (i.e., transport everything) and Ignore All Objects (i.e., exclude everything) to select what is included in the promotion.
Click the Send Toggle icon to select (or unselect) an individual record for transportation.
Click the Send Data Toggle icon to select (or unselect) individual SQL tables where the data within the tables is to be transported. If the table already exists in the Destination, the table is dropped, created and then the data is inserted.
NOTE: To view the SQL differences side by side, click the Compare SQL icon.
To queue all SQL object differences after making change:
Select Packages on the Navigation pane.
Click the Packages icon for the package group.
Click the SQL Objects icon for the package.
Click the Queue Diff icon for a line item; all differences (Not in Host, Not in Destination and Different) are queued to be transported.